Spend your time wisely

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MCL Chapter 29

(Daniela's POV)

' Time is a special thing that everybody should be grateful for. In a blink of an eye time passes by , so quickly you dont even realize it.

Minutes could make a huge difference, even seconds can. Seconds could have prevented all of this mess. It would have made us all friends again not enemies.

Time, its wasted everyday, without a thought. Those hours spent on the internet, messaging my friends I would take it all back if it meant I would get one normal day, hanging out with Ryan, Kev, and Victor.

"Theres nothing else you could do....It was a smart decision...." Ryans words echo in my ear, making it deafening, making me want to gouge me ears out. I stare at the tv screen infront of me, the colorfull moving pictures making no sense at the time, too lost in my thoughts to make sense of them.

The past couple of days have been a complete blur, after I left the vidcon center with anthony we had gone straight to the police and now they have looking for Ian but.. .... to tell you the truth....ive lost hope..... its been more than a week and all they found it a empty apartment with traces of ians blood (which theyve assured us is not enough to predict hes dead).

I blame myself really, none of this would of happened if I had fought against Kalel more.... but I guesse you cant keep blaming the past when it the future you should fix.

Well..i guess I cant really believe that. Ive just sitting on the couch at ryans apartment letting time slip away. Meaningless seconds tossed straight in the trash.

I look up as a blanket appears hugging my shoulders, Ryans worried face stares down at me, theres bags under his eyes and his cheeks are flushed. "You ok?"

Am I? I nod to give him reassurance, turning from his crushing gaze. "Do you think he'll be alright?" I whisper so quietly that I think he didnt hear.

He sighs and sits besides me looking forward toward the tv. "the truth?" So he did hear... I nod looking over at him as he stared at the tv infront of us.

"I dont know...Ians strong but Kalel is cruel...the police are looking for him, so all we can do is wait and hope Ian can keep holding on"

I sigh sadly leaning over and resting my head on his shoulder, getting lost in my thoughts once again.

"Anthony! LET GO!"I frown tugging on his strong grip. His hands tightened around my wrists, nails digging into my skin making me cringe in pain.

"Anthony please! Your hurting me.." I whimper desperately trying to get away, by tugging harshy on his grip, making no difference.

He stares down at me with dazed eyes and a smirk playing on his lips. "....No.." He says so quietly that I barely hear over the blaring music

"Anthony..." I whimper pulling on his hands. He chuckles softly at my protests and pulls me closer, so our faces were inches away.

I continue to whimper turn away from him unable to stand his alcohol stained breath. Our faces get closer..and closer till I cant stand his presence anymore.

"DANIELA!" Ryans yells in my face trying to snap me out of my thoughts by yelling and shaking my shoulders. "Dani!"

I shift my eyes to look at him, staying quiet as his eyes stare into mine with a slight smile playing on his lips "Dani they found him...they found Ian"

(Anthony's POV)

"Cant you go any faster?" I ask the taxi driver inpatiently shifting in my seat trying to get a better look at the road.

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