Lucy Says, Charlie Brown

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It was a bright Saturday afternoon in the Peanuts neighborhood. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everyone was having a pretty good day — everyone except for Charlie Brown, who had, for the fifth time that week, managed to get his kite stuck in a tree.

"Good grief," he muttered, staring up at the twisted mass of string and paper. "Will I ever fly a kite successfully?"

But his self-pity was interrupted by the loud call of a familiar voice. "Hey, blockhead!"

Charlie Brown turned around and saw Lucy Van Pelt standing with her hands on her hips and a smirk that spelled trouble. Behind her, Schroeder, Linus, and Sally were standing with varying degrees of curiosity and suspicion.

"We're gonna play a game," Lucy announced, "and since I'm in charge, it's called Lucy Says."

Charlie Brown raised an eyebrow. "Lucy... don't you mean Simon Says?"

Lucy rolled her eyes. "No, I mean Lucy Says. Why should Simon get all the credit?"

Schroeder sighed, leaning on his piano. "Here we go..."

Charlie Brown shrugged and looked over at his friends. They all seemed as unsure as he was, but it wasn't like they had any better ideas for the afternoon. Besides, playing Lucy Says couldn't be too different from the regular version, right?

"Alright, first rule," Lucy began, a wicked glint in her eye. "Lucy says... hop on one foot!"

The group hesitated, then awkwardly began hopping. Charlie Brown wobbled, trying to keep his balance as his friends also took cautious jumps.

Lucy nodded in approval. "Good, good. Now... Lucy says stop."

They all stopped hopping, glad for a break. But then Lucy yelled, "Now scratch your head!"

Schroeder, mid-scratch, froze. "Wait, you didn't say Lucy says!" He immediately yanked his hand back down, looking nervous.

"Exactly!" Lucy grinned. "You're out, Schroeder! Now go sit in the 'losers circle.'"

The "losers circle" was, apparently, an old blanket she'd laid out on the ground. Schroeder rolled his eyes but obediently sat down on it, glaring at his piano nearby.

Lucy turned to the remaining players. "Lucy says... touch your nose with your elbow!"

Everyone immediately attempted to twist themselves into impossible contortions. Sally ended up in a heap on the ground, while Linus gave up and stood there, shaking his head. Charlie Brown, of course, didn't even come close.

"Impossible, huh?" Lucy chuckled. "Good. That was the point. Moving on!"

After a few more rounds of commands, with Linus, Sally, and a very annoyed Pigpen joining Schroeder in the losers circle, only Charlie Brown was left standing. It was down to him and Lucy. She grinned, eyes gleaming like a cat about to pounce.

"Alright, blockhead, Lucy says... hop on one foot while rubbing your stomach and patting your head!"

Charlie Brown gulped. He gave it a shot, hopping awkwardly, fumbling to get the rhythm right. He was sure he looked ridiculous, but he was doing it.

Lucy scowled. "Fine. Lucy says... spin around three times and then freeze!"

Charlie Brown spun, stumbling a bit. His vision blurred for a moment as he stopped, arms out, teetering on the edge of balance.

Lucy's face showed frustration. She wasn't used to him doing this well. "Lucy says... do a handstand."

Charlie Brown's eyes widened. "A handstand? But I... I don't think I can do a handstand, Lucy!"

Lucy leaned forward, smiling evilly. "Oh, are you quitting, Charlie Brown?"

Charlie Brown looked at the group of his friends, who were all watching intently, and took a deep breath. "No, I'll try."

He crouched down, planted his hands on the ground, and with a determined look, kicked his legs up. For a single glorious second, he was upright, balancing on his hands, feeling like a true champion.

But then gravity had other plans. His legs tipped over, and Charlie Brown crashed onto his back with a resounding thud.

"OUT!" Lucy shouted, throwing her hands up in victory.

Groaning, Charlie Brown sat up, rubbing his back. "But... but you said Lucy says!"

"I know I said Lucy says!" Lucy smirked. "But I didn't say Lucy says... win."

Charlie Brown gaped at her, as Schroeder and the others started to protest. "That's not fair, Lucy!" Linus exclaimed. "You can't make up rules as you go along!"

Lucy crossed her arms defiantly. "Of course I can. It's Lucy Says, not Linus Says. The rules are whatever I say they are!" She tossed her hair triumphantly. "That's how the game works when you're in charge."

Charlie Brown sighed deeply and shook his head, muttering, "Good grief."

Just then, Snoopy trotted up, wearing sunglasses and a relaxed expression. He looked at the losers circle, glanced at Charlie Brown on the ground, and gave Lucy a look that seemed to say, "Really?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you think you can do better, Snoopy?" She pointed at him and grinned. "Alright, fine! Lucy says... roll over!"

With the calm dignity of someone who already had life figured out, Snoopy gave Lucy a look, laid down, and rolled over effortlessly, then immediately stood up with a nonchalant shrug.

Lucy frowned. "Uh... okay, fine. Lucy says... do a dance!"

Snoopy, with all the flair of a professional, struck a pose and broke into a quick little dance that ended with a dramatic spin.

Lucy was stumped. Snoopy wasn't even breaking a sweat. She looked around and huffed. "Well... Lucy says... you win, Snoopy!"

The whole group cheered as Snoopy threw his head back, howling in victory. Charlie Brown laughed, and the others joined in, clapping as Snoopy took a proud bow.

In the end, Lucy stomped off, muttering about "impossible standards" and "never getting to have any fun." But Charlie Brown and his friends felt like, just this once, they'd all managed to win the game — thanks to Lucy... and Snoopy's calm defiance.

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