3rd ep-Shocked?Or horny?

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While i was shocked bcz i met a ceo she pulled me to bushes?"huh?What is going on ms miles l-"I said but she stopped me?"Dont call me miles lim.Call me yours"Damn ang hot,Sexy,Horny,And ung mga pick up lines nya😮‍💨Maski hindi pa kami,I want her inside of me."Okay,Baby"I said my voice trembling"lets go to mine.I wanna hear you scream.In goodness"She said,Puta🥰I followed her to her car.Wtf?Naka lambo sya?Gago
bukas pt2💗Or next week.Manonood kami moana 2 bukas ehh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2024 ⏰

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