White room

1 1 0

Game 1, Life 1, vitality 100, progression 000/000.

In a bright white room, he found himself awake and confused, still dizzy from his previous dream, that he has a cloudy memory about. Walking around the room that was filled with big, digital panels put on color white. Trying to get help, the boy screamed, in hope that someone would hear him, but only the silence of his voice after closing his mouth was all he could hear, and the silence afterwards.

Stopping himself for a moment, with an annoyed mindset, he thought to himself, with a gesture of showing context to his words:

"Okay, alright, I get it now, I'm in one of those reality shows on television, like the crazy ones, where you make fun of a man stuck in a room, make him dance and force him put a clown outfit on, haha, veeeery funny, hah!"

Sighting, the boy turned around, hoping that he could find a way to escape the room, but a book, the size of a forearm, appeared in front of him, lightly floating up and down.

Checking underneath the book, out of curiosity towards the inexplicable movement of it, the boy didn't see anything at all. On touch, he flew around it, but he couldn't feel any thin strings attached to it, or some sort. Could it be a magical book?


Said the boy, narrowing his eyes in a questionable way towards the floating, brown hardcover book.

Moving his face closer, and his hands as well, towards the book, trying to check inside it, but it instantly blew open, switching between pages like a leaf blower would be aimed at it, which caused the boy's hair to fly towards the back, fixing it like that for quite a while.

The book suddenly stopped right in the middle, with a single word on the whole page, in a moving rainbow-colored ink, covering only half of the page.

"Name? What is that supposed to mean?"

Asked the boy, reading what was written in the page, switching his look from inside the book, to the corners of the room, referring itself towards the ones that are holding him there.

"I'm not just giving you my name, that is personal information, you know?"

He stood on his thoughts for a quick second, after saying that sentence.

"My name... what is it... I can't remember it"

Narrowing his eyes, feeling lost and a little bit more agitated than the moment he woke up in the room, the boy analyzed the entirety of the place, once again, but that was the moment, that the hardcover book started switching pages again, with a very quick motion, that created an air cutting sound, catching the boy's attention again.

The page turned again, in the same quick motion "Height? I think I am around 185 centimeters"

The boy checked himself out after saying that sentence, making sure he said the right thing.

The same wind-cutting motion of the book started again, switching between the pages, but now there were three words on the entire page.

This time, there were three words on the page, letting the letters cover most of the page.



"Ready for what?"

Said the boy with a hint of confusion, not really understanding what the book wanted to mean.

Suddenly, he heard a sound that was coming from behind him, and with a quick peek, he saw the floating book that flew all the way in front of him, blocking his sight. Confused, the boy moved himself left and right, but only succeeded in seeing for a quick second that a door appeared in the middle of the white light-panel wall behind him.

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