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Quinn's P.O.V

Her outfit for the day:

(*Imagine the third outfit but with all the white parts in red*)

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(*Imagine the third outfit but with all the white parts in red*)

(*Imagine the third outfit but with all the white parts in red*)

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(*Imagine this but red and black, not blue*)

The next day at school, I was headed to go and meet up with the others so we could give Ben the love cookie. I was just about to round a corner when someone appeared suddenly in front of me. I stopped myself right before I collided with the person.

I looked up to see the mysterious person. It was him. Again. "I knew I knew that cologne", I said as I looked at him. The statement seemed to alarm him, "Wait, what? You know my cologne? That's just...weird, especially 'cause we've only met once...", he commented getting ready to leave in repulsion.

"Wait, no-", before I could say anything, he hastily left. I stared after him as he left. "Well, that could've gone better. You're the Princess of Hearts for crying out loud, Quinn, get it together", I told myself when he was finally out of my line of sight. Trying to brush the thought of the horrible encounter to the back of my mind, I went on to continue seeking my friends.

I got to the lockers lining outside, which is where our lockers were located. Sitting at a table were already Evie and Carlos. Well, actually, only Carlos was sitting. Evie was leaning against the railing right next to the table. I came up and sunk into a seat at the table, "Sup, guys" "Hey, Q", Evie responded. "Hi, Quinn", Carlos said.

"Where are Jay and Mal?", I casually asked. Evie and Carlos both tilted their hands to my left. I looked around and saw Jay was standing chatting with Mal next to her locker. Soon, Doug appeared and sat at our table too. "Sup, Doug", I casually greeted him.

"Hi", Evie said with her eyes alight. My eyes went back and forth between the two of them. Before I could say 'Boo', both of them had hit it off and began chatting. So, I started talking with Carlos. "So, what's been up with you?", said white-haired boy asked me.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" "You've been getting a certain look in your eye from time to time lately, especially when certain topics are mentioned, like boys and stuff", he replied. "What? A boy got you spacing out?", he laughed casually. "Haha, don't be ridiculous", my natural lying abilities got me through but that nervous laugh at the beginning might have given it away.

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