Coulrophobia- abnormal fear of CLOWNS.
The symptoms of coulrophobia- fear of clowns include (but are not limited to) the following:
--Feelings of anxiety (anxiousness or nervousness, butterflys in the stomach, difficulty focusing, etc.)
--Nausea (actual vomiting in the presence of a clown is rare, but it can happen)
--Trembling in any part of the body
--"Pins and needles" feeling
--Increased heartbeat
--Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing regularly
--Crying or even screaming
--Intense feelings of dread or terrorCURE
-Maybe first watch some videos of clowns performing funny acts over the internet.
-Sometimes, clowns putting their make up in front of the public can help relieve the tension of some coulrophobiacs as they can see it is just a mask, and they could see the real person behind the mask.
-With some people, this is just enough, but obviously this cannot be possible in every social situation.
-The fear of clowns is not something you should be ashamed of. Many people share the same fear and if you have any positive experience in overcoming your fear, share it below so that fellow coulrophobes can learn too.
Book Of Random Facts
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