1. The Definition- From most of the population, the definition of a fangirl is a young, adolescent teeny-bopper who shrieks at just the plain sight of their heartthrob's name. And they're exactly right. If you are indeed a fangirl, there is no denying that you do this at least three times a day. But here's my definition: a fangirl is a female who has overstepped the line between healthy fandom and near obsession for a celebrity(most commonly a musician) they hardly know. A fangirl can laugh at her own passion for her particular interest. But most importantly, fangirls stick together. Together we make a nationwide community consisting of a massive support group. If you are a fangirl, you follow your other fellow fangirls on twitter. No exceptions.2. Their Songs Are Our National Anthem- If you are a fangirl; you have gone onto YouTube and have watched every single video ever posted from their account. From covers to half written songs, you know them all by heart. Heck, maybe you've taken the lyrics and made a lyric video yourself! A fangirl has sat at her computer screen and replayed her idol's music videos over and over. She has even memorized the choreography step by step within the music videos. Yeah, we go that far.
3. Knowing Your Facts- This is probably the hardest part about the job. As a fangirl, it is your duty to know your stuff. A fangirl has memorized every possible fun fact about her idol. Some examples are favorite color, favorite restaurant, name of their first pet, cause of death of that pet, names of parents, intermediate family, friends, and neighbors, and most importantly, their birthday. You have it down to a science. You know the month, day, year, day of the week, and time of when your icon was born. In short, a fangirl has her idol's entire Wiki page committed to memory and shows no shame in it. When given the chance, test a fangirl. You'll be shocked at her knowledge!
4. Social Media is Our Best Friend- Ah, social media. It's what makes the world go around. And without it, a fangirl wouldn't be half as obsessed as she is now. We have downloaded every app our idol has ever used. Oh, you missed out on the latest news of your favorite musician? Nope, that's never a problem for us fangirls. We have subscribed to our heartthrob's accounts so we receive a text message AND alert (just in case one fails) the second they tweet anything. This means that we are amongst the first 100 favorites/retweets on Twitter, first 1,000 likes on Instagram, and first 50 views on the newest YouTube music video. Of course this comes with its disadvantages, the hardest one being battery life. A fangirl's phone battery can drain in a matter of seconds at any time. Therefore, we carry our chargers around like security blankets, make sure our phones are 100% charged before walking out the door, and ignore calls from our great grandmothers just to conserve our precious battery. We wouldn't want them to tweet something while our phones just lie there, lifeless.
5. Friends and Family- This next bullet point wouldn't even be possible without the one listed above. Since social media seems to be beaming into our eyes everywhere we go (literally, those screens are fluorescent), fangirls might as well take advantage of our opportunity. As a fangirl, it is common to follow everyone, and I mean everyone, socially connected to your idol. This includes parents, aunts, uncles, friends, managers, choreographers, bodyguards, and back up dancers. Their friends are your friends. Fangirls want to feel as emotionally connected to their icon as possible. And just like our fellow fangirls, we support our heartthrob's friends and family. They come as a package.
6. Fan Clubs- Speaking of packages, round up your piggy banks, ladies and gentlemen, and keep them somewhere out of a fangirl's reach. Fangirls will do the impossible to round up enough money to pay their annual fees to their fan clubs. No, the plural form of club was not a mistake. Fangirls are committed to several fan clubs on the internet because each is different. One may be for tour dates, another of the latest headline they are featured in. You may see a fangirl furiously flipping over couch cushions or searching the dryer in your house. Don't be alarmed; it is for a good cause. I promise, as long as you don't intervene, she will not bite.
Several cases of fangirling have been reported across the globe for other people, not just musicians. Fangirling can be towards actors, athletes, or even news reporters (if you are into that type of thing). Every fangirl is unique, but we all share similar qualities. That common denominator being the basics listed above. If after reading this you discover you are a fangirl yourself, WELCOME! We will gladly accept you over here on the dark side. Don't panic, you won't keel over and die by becoming a fangirl. Unless your heartthrob gets a girlfriend, then you are on your own. And boys, don't be shy. There are definitely other fanboys out there! If you think you may be becoming a fangirl, comment below and I will gladly give you a diagnosis! To my fellow fangirls: comment below on any crazy fangirl stories you may have. Because we all know there are many!
Book Of Random Facts
RandomAll the Facts written in here is credit to GOOGLE. No facts are owned by me. Kinuha ko lang talaga sa google. Pero sana basahin niyo parin dahil magaganda siya.