Chapter 2 - Show Me All The Scars You Have

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Warning: Graphic depictions of violence. Genuinely. ;~; (Or, specifics, a continuation of the hangar scene in the Calvary Has Arrived) Also, brief mention of child abuse.

~ Rivana Rita

Omega groans quietly as she and Wrecker trudge along the narrow crevasse in the mountainside. Dead grass crunches under Wrecker's feet. Omega's a bit ahead, crossbow in hand, it's green light standing out even against the flashing lightning. "I don't understand any of this," she grumbles, "We were just on Teth! How did we get here? Where's everybody else?"

Wrecker pokes his comm again, but nothing happens. "I dunno." He tries not to worry about Hunter. He can't think his older brother won't make it back again. They already lost Tech. He can't let that happen to Hunter, too. Tech's figure falling from sight is burned into his mind. He sees it every time he closes his eyes, and with Hunter's wild recklessness, he – he wonders. He's scared, and Hunter's gone now. Wrecker has to keep the kid safe. He can't let her be hurt again, either. He can't lose her. Not again. "Just – uh, keep walkin'."

Omega sighs. "I am."

Lightning zigzags over the sky again. The rain won't stop. The ground is muddy as they trek toward the cave Omega pointed out right when they got here.

"I just don't get it," Omega pipes up again, "Where's Batcher? I was right beside Emerie – where's everyone? Why aren't our comms working, and how did we get here?"

Wrecker has no idea. Tech was the one who knew everything. Him and Hunter, and they're just gone. He doesn't know what happened to Crosshair, either, and he doesn't wanna lose his little brother again. It was so hard to get him back.

Seeing everybody disappear was creepy though.

They stumble into the cave together, exhausted and wet.

Wrecker groans, shaking himself but the water clings stubbornly.

Omega trots ahead, up to the edge of –

The cave is glowing. There's a creepy aqua glow radiating from down below, and Wrecker lowers his blaster-end toward the ground, and with all the monsters they've been running into, there's probably another waiting for them.

Omega tiptoes to the edge of the cliff, then gasps softly. "Wrecker, take a look at this!"

"W – what is it?" he asks warily but follows her anyway. The drop is looooooong. They're too close to the edge, and he's almost certain the rock curves in a bit under them, and it could give out and they'd fall hundreds of feet just like Tech and get smashed to bits.

An aqua light shines from below, the flames licking skyward. Wrecker doesn't see anything down there but rock. How is it burning?

"I've never seen that before," Omega breathes, lowering and deactivating her crossbow. The flickering light reflects on her face, and her eyes are glinting pale green.

"Uh," Wrecker worries, slowly backing away, "M – maybe we should just stay back."

"I think it's safe," Omega whispers, "It's calling me."

He laughs, but she's not joking. At least he doesn't think she is – she's not the same as the kid they lost. "W – what?"

"I need to go closer," she repeats, running toward where a stairway leads down closer to the fire, "C'mon!"

Wrecker groans loudly, but he has to keep her safe, so he follows, anyway. The stairs are long, and there's no rail. Who thought it was a good idea to carve stairs into a giant cliffside? Somethin's wrong with this place.

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