Chapter 15 - Stay

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Lula's hopping around in the background as they sit in the now-fixed Marauder.

She's trying to climb onto one of the seats, but can't figure out how to boost herself, and she doesn't have hands. Wrecker can't figure out if he should give her a boost, or let her learn to climb. She and Batcher seem to be getting along well.

Living on Pabu is nice. Wrecker loves it here. Everything is so calm. He wants to be here forever. Stop worrying about everything.

He keeps dreaming, though. Seeing other worlds. That's what Ahsoka tells him, anyway. He sees a world where they have Vision. Something where they met Ashla in the Clone Wars.

He sees other things, too. He sees them lose Hunter, and those are bits and pieces, but scare him the worst. How can they live without Hunter? Hunter's the only one he's always had. He can't think about that. Definitely can't imagine something where they thought he was dead.

The others try to help. Not that anything can.

His brothers are trynna help. So's Vision.

He still thinks about Crosshair fighting them. Can't stop remembering when he tried to kill them. He's one of them now, but sometimes... it still hurts that he left, even if he's tried to make it right.

A lotta things about these realities are confusing. How is he supposed to not dream? He can't stop it. He's afraid of losing someone else again. Anyone.

"You okay?" Crosshair asks, tapping his arm.

Wrecker grunts. "I – I dunno. I just keep havin' all these weird dreams. I don't wanna lose you again."

"I don't want to leave you, either," Crosshair promises.

"There is nothing to be concerned of," Tech assures, "Considering his inhibitor chip has been damaged beyond use, it is unlikely he will willingly leave us again."

"W – what does that mean?" Wrecker splutters, confused, and looking at Hunter and Echo for help. "I thought ya had it out?"

Crosshair sighs.

"I – I lied to you. I'm sorry."

"You what?" Hunter hisses, "Crosshair!"

He slumps farther into his seat. "Sorry. Really. I didn't mean – I – I don't..."

"Hemlock scanned it in his brain when we were on Tantiss," Tech explains, "It may have been partly removed, but clearly, the surgery was not complete, if it happened at all."

"I didn't really want to think I was being mind-controlled," Crosshair mutters, drawing his knees up to his chest. He looks so small. Skinny. Breakable. Wrecker wants to hug him, but relieved hurt is bubbling up in his chest.

Crosshair lied to them. That's – Wrecker doesn't want to think he chose to leave them, but he's still kinda mad. They could've taken him with them, and they never would've had to lose Tech or the kid.

"So, you lied to us so we'd leave you and think you betrayed us?" Echo asks.


"I fail to see how that was intended to benefit anyone in any shape or form," Emerie interjects quietly.

"I was nine," he grumbles, as if that were an excuse.

"Yeah, and you're ten now. One year's not very much."

"Speak for yourself," Crosshair whines, glaring at Echo.

"I am."

"If that's still in, shouldn't we get it out?" Wrecker asks worriedly.

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