Stay Strong

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Three weeks later
Alex's POV
Three weeks ago Anna went into a comma. Today she awoken with no memory of what happened. "Wh-where am I? "She asked. "Anna I'm sorry to say this but your cancer came back."the doctor said.she started crying. I then noticed something on her left arm. It was a tattoo. It was a heart and in the middle of it said "Stay strong ". That reminds me of something i saw on instagram.
I was scrolling through instagram one day when i came to a stop. The post i stoped on had a picture of a heart and in the middle of it said "Stay Strong ". The caption was anouncing a book by Demi Lovato. And frome that day foward those two words were always on my mind.
End of flashback
Why was that on her wrist? Has anyone noticed this? So i decided to ask her. "What is that on your wrist?" I asked.
Anna's Pov
My mind started to fill with questions again. Why did the cancer have to come back? I then herd Alex ask what was the thing on my arm. "The tatto on my arm reminds me that whatever I'm going through i had to stay strong. But now it just shows that im going to die soon."
Alex's POV
"Your not going to die soon! Your going to get treated and live longer and you will get better and live." I told her. She started to cry again. So i picked myself up and and plopped down on to the bed. I put my legs up next to Anna's. I then put my arms around her and let her cry into my chest. We stayed like that for a few minutes. She then looked up at me with a smile. I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead. I gave her another smile and kissed her for real this time. We sat there kissing for a few minutes until her mom walked in. I guess she didn't know that we were dating because she asked what i was doing there. I told her " Anna is my Girlfriend and i was there when she had her seizure. I love her very dearly and i won't hurt her. I can and will keep that promise too!" Her mom was very understanding and said " very well !" She gave me a dirty look and walked out of the room. I looked back at Anna and kissed her again. We continued kissing until the doctor came in. I then got myself back in my wheelchair and gave Anna a huge smile. "Anna, your mom filled out all the discharge papers you can go home. We will see you in two weeks for you surgery." He said. After that a nurse wheeled Anna's wheelchair into the room. The nurse then took the iv's out of her arm and got her in her wheelchair. We then wheeled out together hand in hand. Her mom was waiting for us outside. Lucky for us she has a van for a car. There is a ramp built into the back so we wheeled up it one by one and position ourselves in the van. Her mom then strapped down our wheels and put up the ramp. She shut the back doors and got in the drivers seat. "So where do you two want to go for lunch?"she asked. I looked at Anna as she looked back at me. We knew exactly where we wanted to go right when we looked at each other. "Let's go to Olive garden!" Her mom gave us a nod and drove us there. As we were driving there my hand started to inch towards her hand. She looked over at me moving my hand. She gave me a smile and grabbed my hand. Once we got there her mom openned the back doors and put down the ramp. She then un buckled the straps on our wheels. We then wheeled backwards one by one until we got to the rode. Once we got there, our hands interlocked again and we wheeled into the restaurant. We waited a few minutes too be seated. Another thing is Anna's mom didn't stay with us but gave us money for lunch. We were then seated at a table near the front. While we were wheeling over to our table, they moved all the chairs already at the table. She sat on one side of the table and i sat on the other. I then looked up at her light blue eyes. She looked back at me with big grin. We looked down at our menues to figure out what we wanted to eat. I ordered so ravioli and she ordered the same thing. After that, we started to talk about alot of random things. Then our food came. After we ate i paid for our meals (using the money her mom gave me) and then took Anna to the park down the street. We found a bench facing the river. So i put my wheelchair facing the bench and put the brakes on. I then lifted myself up and plopped down onto the bench. I then moved my chair to the side and helped Anna onto the bench. She snuggled in close to me. Her head rested on my shoulder and my arm rested on her back. "Can I tell you something Anna?" I asked her. "Yeah anything" she answered. "I love you Anna. With all my heart. When I met you i knew immediately that i like you" I told her.
No one's POV
That afternoon they sat at the river. Anna remained snuggled close to Alex. Little did Alex know that Anna was hiding something.

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