Chapter 1

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Entoan walked down the street towards the school, his head down, face covered by his black hoodie, as usual. He didn't bother to look up, because he knew what he would find there. Faces. Eyes. All looking down at him.

"Don't you have something better to look at?" he grumbled under his breath, glaring at their phones instead of their faces. "Why look at the only kid at who isn't covered in bling when you have your phones that aren't even in fucking stores."

"What's wrong?" One of the guys, Brian jeered at Entoan. "Spent too much time begging on the streets to get your homework done?" That got a laugh from everyone. "How long did it take to walk to the rich district?" Another girl, Kate yelled.

Entoan rolled his eyes and clenched his fists. "Brian, you wish I could do your homework! I wonder what would happen if your Dad didn't pay the school to up your grades." Brian scowled and Entoan turned to Kate. "And Kate, at least I can actually drive a car! Learn to drive your damn Ferrari!"

"It's a Lamborghini!" Kate snapped.

Entoan grinned and pulled the hood further down over his face. He loved making the rich kids tick. The fact that they didn't understand half of his vocabulary made it even more fun.

Entoan walked down the hall to his locker, hearing the familiar sound of the flirtiest girls in school. God, he hated it so much. But at least the girls had the right idea. Dlive was probably the most desirable guy in school-not that Entoan cared much. But Dlive was not only one of the richest of the rich, but he was probably the only rich kid who was actually modest-and the only rich kid who had an IQ higher than 50. All the other guys would whisper that he thought he was too cool to tell people his real name, but really they were jealous of the fact that he got all of the girls. Dlive was still a bit stupid, but a blissful sort of stupid. The kind who lived without worry.

Grabbing his textbooks, Entoan slammed his locker closed and followed Dlive-who had just slipped away from the crowd of girls-to first period. Geometry.

Mr. Peterson, the teacher, was probably the nicest teacher-probably because first period geometry had the highest IQ levels and the most serious demeanor-mostly because their parents didn't pay off the school to boost their grades despite the fact that they could.

There were two other people who would catch Entoan's eye out of the whole school in this classroom.

Wade and Minx.

Or at least that's what they called her. It wasn't a secret that Minx's real name was Michelle, but pretty much everyone in the school was too afraid to use it, her being the only tomboy in the school-and the only one who could take on Harold, captain of the football team in a fight and win. No one knew if she was rich or poor, because no one saw her walking off or getting in a limo. She would just disappear.

And than there was Wade.

Entoan always thought of Wade as a simplistic guy-kind of like Dlive, or all of the jerks in the school, but in his own way. He was quiet, a bit of a wallflower if you will. He wasn't all that rich-not rich enough to be called normal by everyone else, but far richer in comparison to Entoan's family.

Wade noticed Entoan risking a glance at him and nodded. They had a bit of a friendship, along with Minx, but not a true friendship. They all like each other for not being rich, fat, stupid snobs like the rest of the school, but were still wary of each other. They all had their reasons.

Entoan sighed and turned around, staring at a circle imbedded within a square. Another day awaited. Another long day, nonetheless.

Entoan sighed and trudged away from his last period, which was English. His energy, as usual, had been sapped from the day, and he knew no second wind would come for at least another hour.

As he walked, fighting to stay in the moment, he felt his foot stop walking as he toppled over. Entoan pushed himself up, seeing Erica's leg withdraw at the last second, her friend Payton giggling with her. There was Dlive, too.

"You okay, man?" Dlive asked, his voice showing real concern. Erica and Payton's giggling stopped immediately, and they tripped over each other's feet offering to help Entoan up. Entoan rolled his eyes and took Dlive's hand.

"Yeah." Entoan muttered, turning.

"Wait," Dlive called after him, but Entoan simply put his hands in his pockets and ran. Wade would be waiting for him. They could do what friends would do, at least friends outside of Southview School. Southview kids ate expensive foods with each other and talked about how rich they were.

Entoan sighed, pausing for a moment, but Dlive's voice did not come again. Wade nodded once he saw him. "What kept you?" he asked.

"Erica." Entoan snorted. "Dlive sure showed her, though-unintentionally. Helped me up, and the girls went insane."

Wade rolled his eyes. "Figures. Minx ran off again, but she texted me that she might pop by if she had time."

"Does she even know where you live?" Entoan asked. Neither of them had mentioned it. Wade shrugged. "Never said she didn't."

"Fair enough." Entoan sighed. "Let's just get over to your place already."

"Eat it!" Entoan shouted as Wade burst out with a slew of curses. "C'mon, Wade, face it, you're just a bronze player." Minx sighed from the other end of the Skype call. Wade's brother, Mark, snorted. He was a lot crazier than Wade, but had all the stuff-including GTA on the three computers in the house.

Entoan grinned as it showed Entoan - Platinum, NotMarkiplier69 - Gold, Mangaminx - Silver, and minion7 - Bronze. (Please note that pretty much the only videos I watch that involve these four are Minx's videos, so bear with me if I happen to get something wrong)

Entoan sighed as they decided to just fool around at the military base, everyone eventually succeeding at getting a jet and Mark annihilating the base with a tank he managed to get.

"I hate you all." Wade muttered. Minx laughed-a trademark evil laugh-another thing that warded everyone else at Southview away. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." she sighed cheerfully-an emotion she didn't usually show.

"Alright." Entoan called as she left the call.

"Wade, cheer up, I ordered a pizza. It should be here any minute now." Mark yawned. Entoan laughed as Wade brightened up instantly. "Mario Kart 8, anyone?" he asked.

Entoan looked down at his phone as he recieved a text alert. Taking another bite of the pizza, he opened the phone. Probably his mother telling him to get home.

Entoan looked at the phone.

Go to the hospital. Now.

Entoan jumped up immediately, ignoring the weird looks Mark and Wade gave him. "Where are you going?" Mark called.

"To the damn hospital!"

Mark jumped up along with Wade. "Let me drive." Mark offered. He thought for a second before yelling, "Wait a second, you don't even have a proper license anyway! You have a learner's permit!"

"So!" Entoan shouted back. "Just get in the car! I'm call shotgun!"

Tension hung in the air as Mark made a right turn. Wade and Mark obviously wanted to speak, but Entoan suspected they thought that Entoan would simply turn them down. If so, they were right, in any case.

No words were said as the three entered the hospital. There, Entoan saw his brother, Dave, waiting. Entoan looked at Mark and Wade, then at the neat, cold waiting room chairs. If Wade and Mark were going to be here at all, Entoan definitely wasn't going to let them see him break.

Entoan sighed, pull down his hood, and approached Dave, who nodded. Dave went a normal school with average-wealth people, since he was still in eigth grade. But sometimes, Entoan felt like Dave knew more than him-especially about himself.

"Let's go. Mom's on the fourth floor." Dave murmured quietly. Adjusting his glasses, Dave walked to the elevator.

Entoan took a deep breath and followed, wondering what kind of terrors he would see.

So. Feedback appreciated, because of the things stated in the FYI about firsts.

EZ out.

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