The Fire Emblem Crew

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After their next lesson, it was lunch.Shulk, Link, Pit, and Palutena headed downstairs to the cafeteria.

"Can you guys go any quicker down the stairs? I'm starving!" Pit yelled.

"Pit, you just ate a couple of hours ago. And plus, your always hungry," Palutena stated.

"N-no I'm not. You know let's just stop talking and go to the lunch room," Pit said, feeling embarrassed.

"For being always hungry, you don't look like it. Your pretty skinny Pit!" Shulk exclaimed, almost to the lunch room.

"I'm not sure how to take that, but I'll take that as a compliment," Pit said as he slipped down on the stairs and fell.

"Pit! Are you okay?!" Link yelled. He was rushing towards Pit at the bottom of the stairs.

"I-I'm fine Link. Only my butt hurts so it's all good!" Pit laughed. And soon enough, Link slipped on the stairs and fell on top of Pit.

"OWWWW! I HIT MY HEAD!" Link yelled, about to cry from the pain.

"Why are the stairs so slippery?" Pit asked, Link still on top of him. Suddenly, they heard someone cracking up on the top of the stairs.

"That was hilarious! Oh this is just to good!" The voice laughed. They all turned to see a blue haired, muscular male, wiping a tear from their eyes.

"Ike! I told you not to do it!" Another blue haired guy walked up to him.

"I'm sorry, Marth. I just had to do it!" Ike said still laughing.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Shulk exclaimed.

"Sorry," Ike apologized. He walked up to Shulk and reached out for his hand. "The names Ike, and you are?"

"My names Shulk, the last with green hair is Palutena, the angel on the floor is Pit, and the other blonde on the floor with Pit is Link," Shulk said.

"Well, nice to meet you Shulk, Palutena, Pit, and Link. The other blue haired guy next to me is Marth.

"Hello!" Marth exclaimed. Pit and Link got up for the floor and greeted Marth and Ike.

"We we're just headed to the lunch room. You wanna join us?" Link asked.

"Sure, you can meet the rest of our friends there. They're already at the cafeteria," Ike exclaimed as he slid on the railing of the stairs and Marty just walked down the stairs.

"Ike, your gonna end up getting hurt,"Marth said for almost the hundredth time.

"No I'm not, Marth," Ike said. They finally got to the cafeteria. There, they saw a silver haired boy and a blue haired girl.

"Why do most of you have blue hair?" Pit suddenly asked.

"I really don't know. Anyways the silver haired boy is Robin and the blue haired girl is Lucina." Ike said.

"Its a pleasure to meet you all," Lucina said and got up and shook their hands as Robin did the same. They all sat down at the table and started talking a bit.

"So what game do you guys come from?" Shulk asked the four.

"The Fire Emblem series," all four of them said at the same time.

"Oh I've also heard of that game!" Palutena exclaimed.

"Is there something you haven't heard?" Shulk playfully asked and Palutena just rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, me and Pit come from a series called Kid Icarus, Shulk comes from a game called Xenoblade Chronicles, and Link here comes from a series called The Legend Of Zelda," Palutena pointed out, almost out of breath.

"I've heard of all those games, and they seem interesting," Robin said not keeping his eyes off his book.

"Whats that Robin?" Link asked.

"Oh this? This is my spell book," Robin smiled.

"Cool! Can I see?" Pit hopefully asked.

"Sure," Robin handed the book to Pit and he flipped through the pages in awe.

"This is amazing Robin!" Pit gave Robin a goofy smile and Robin laughed.

"Thanks, Pit. Could I get my book back?" Pit nodded and handed his book back. Out of nowhere, all of them heard someone yelling "MARTH! MARTH!"

"MARTH! WHERE ARE YOU?!" the voice yelled once again. A red-headed boy rushed towards Marth, panting.

"Marth! I was searching all over for you! Anyways, a girl named Zelda was looking for a boy named Link and she asked if I happen to know where he is. I told her that probably my friends Marth does!" The red head said.

When Link heard the word Zelda, he blushed deeply. Shulk saw him and smirked.

"Oh hi Roy! And yes, I do happen to know a boy named Link," he pointed at Link and he waved at Roy.

"Great! Ill go tell Zelda!" Roy exclaimed. "ZELDA! ZELDA! I FOUND LINK!" Link covered his face again so no one would see him blushing.

"Is Zelda your girlfriend Link?" Lucina asked.

"W-what! No! She is not my girlfriend! Were just friends," Link was extremely embarrassed.

"Ooooohhhh you like her," Ike teased.

"Shut up!" Link yelled. Soon enough, Roy came back with Zelda, and Link waved at her, his whole face like a tomato.

"Hi Link!" Zelda exclaimed.

"Hey Zelda. W-what brings y-you here?" Link started stuttering.

"Oh nothing really. I just enjoyed talking to you and I wanted to hang out with you a little while," Zelda explained as Shulk elbowed Link. Link pretended not to feel it.

"W-well, you could sit here with us. And by the way, this is Pit, Shulk, Palutena, Ike, Marth, Robin, and Lucina. I'm guessing you already know Roy since you came up to him to ask where I was," Link said.

"Oh yeah, I know Roy. He's a very good friend of mine," Link got a little jealous when she said "very good friend of mine."

"And it's nice to meet all of you. Any friend of Link's is a friend of mine," Zelda said and sat down next to Link as Roy sat down next to Marth.

"Oh by the way, Zelda is from the Legend of Zelda series also," Palutena pointed out.

"No shit Sherlock. Her name is in the title of the game," Ike stated, eating his food.

"Ike! No cursing!" Roy yelled, feeling nervous.

"Oh get used to it, Roy. I curse all the time," he said, still eating. After that, the ten friends hung out for the rest of the day.
Woo! It took a long time trying to think how this chapter will be about. Anyways, I hope you guys like the story and stay awesome!!

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