Chapter 3

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Disclaimer Ally Carter owns all except the plot and my character Luke.

Chapter 3

Zach pov

"What do you think this is about?" Bex asked me following my brisk pace. I shrugged feeling that this wouldn't end well, being called into his office was rare and considered a sign of bad news. "It probably has something to do with Cammie, she was supposed to be back yesterday night." I tell her. The director of the agency wanted Bex and I in his office. He was probably going to tell us she was going to be delayed again, for the third time. They wouldn't tell us anything, it was frustrating.

Not even Liz could find any information about her mission. It was as if everything remotely related to the mission was gone. Its strange and suspicious making me fear for Cammie's safety even more. If she is even slightly hurt then I would not hesitate to bring down who is responsible.

Bex was silent after I told her it might relate to Cammie. We were both worried about her and trying to deny that his reason for seeing us had nothing to do with her. Although it makes perfect sense that its about her. He knows that Bex and I are the closest to her, she is a day late, and I have asking him about her for weeks. I knew he was getting fed up with me but to be honest I felt the same way. There was something off about that man and I was going to find out what it was one way or another.

We got to his office a few minutes later. He greeted us with a grim smile. "I see you got my message." We took the two empty seats in front of his desk. "I'm afraid I come bearing bad new." I knew it. Something happened to Cammie. I am going to kill whoever so much as touched a strand of hair on her head. I had a feeling something bad would happen, I had that feeling ever since she went on that stupid mission.

"Cammie has officially gone MIA." My whole world stopped then and there.

Anger bubbled up inside of me, waiting to escape. It was his fault she was gone. It was his fault that something happened to her. People don't go MIA without being caught. Being caught means torture. Cammie already went through this once. I lost her once in my life, it was unimaginable being without her as a teenager. How can I go on without her?

"Now before you get angry-" I stood up finally fed up with this pathetic excuse for a human being. I knew it was the anger talking but I couldn't bring myself to give a damn about it now. "Nothing you can say can change the fact that you are the reason she is missing. You didn't prepare her enough and because of that she is hurt and alone !" I needed to get my frustrations out, it was the only way I could properly worry.

"Look Zach pointing fingers isn't going to find her. Now sit down and let me explain." I glared at him one last time before taking my seat. I want it known that the only reason I sat down was because I needed to know any details about the mission and how it went wrong so I could bring her back myself.

"She went missing at the end of the first week. We had to tell everyone there was a delay because she missed one of her check-ins and we didn't want to raise panic. She made it to her first one a day after arriving, she was to commence radio silence after that. After missing her second one we sent word telling her to meet us for a check-in at out usual place. She wasn't there. Our agents started back-tracking on all her known locations for weeks. They found nothing so far. Every trail, every lead has come up empty. Cammie Morgan disappeared without a trace. Its safe to assume they caught her, so if we find them we automatically find her."

How could they hide something like that from us?! We have a right to know when Cammie misses her check-ins. That is vital information.

"We called you guys in first because you were the closest ones to her besides her family." He added quietly. A silence fell upon us. Bex looked like she was taking in the information and processing it. I didn't have to process anything. They lied, its as simple as that. It makes perfect sense now, that is why Liz couldn't find any information because there was no information.

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