2. hunt you down eat you alive

903 46 4

"well, i'm so exhausted that i'm ready to drop. lock the door if you leave, alright?" receiving an annoyed grunt, harry merely shook his head; too tired to deal with his worker's attitude as his brown eyes were glued to whatever was in his hands behind the office desk. you could call harry a pretty awful boss as he didn't know much about liam, he's not even sure the man had a home to live in and that's why he never hesitated to let the man stay in his office at night.

only the sounds of ruffling were heard while harry grabbed his coat off the hook attached to the wall and left the small room without a simple goodbye to the moody boy still in his office. it took a couple of minutes which the manager probably used to make sure the shop was in good condition before the ringing of the bell echoed in the empty store, signalling that harry had already left.

consecutively, liam raised his head from the piece of minced meat clenched in his hand and glared at the framed photo of their staff on the wall in front of him they were only four of them; harry, louis, zayn and himself posing with cleavers. and if only, if only he expected something like this to happen on that particular day, how easy would it be if to just slash the weapon across zayn's neck who was strategically stood next to him and have niall all to himself.

speaking of his baby boy; the brunette haired man wondered if he was fine, if he reached his apartment safely after visiting the meat store, if he did other things after that, if he had all the meals of the day, if he took a nice soothing bath with his colourful lush bath bombs, if he wore one of those cute pyjamas he had in his closet, if he was lying in bed right now with his adventure time cased iphone, if he was texting any of his friends like – zayn. something minor like that was enough for liam to remember what he held in his hands.

the piece of minced meat was initially shaped as zayn with a big and small ball that played the role as the latter's head and body while four little rolls of the same meat were the limbs but now it was nothing but mush in his hands, oozing out reddish liquid at the same time as it trickled down liam's arms. thankfully he changed out of his uniform earlier, watching silently at the way the red ran down his arms and onto his black hoodie, leaving a dark wet spot on the material.

he made the small meat doll to refrain his anger towards the raven-haired man but now that the doll wasn't benefiting him in any way, he stood up from harry's office desk and walked towards the best employee of the month section. this time, a picture of zayn was proudly hung on the wall and childishly, liam smudged his dirty hands against the glass of the frame. just by looking at the way his so called bestfriend's face get blurred by random combinations of meat made him feel more alive.

not like him dirtying the picture of his co-worker would cause any suspicion, louis comes in early everyday to clean up the store before it opens to get extra pay and he's seen a handful of things but blames it on the weird creatures in the attic. one time, he told liam about him cleaning up this big ass white waste that the evil lizards left on the counter but the brunette was pretty sure it was his dried cum stain from fantasizing about niall touching himself the night before – he doesn't say a thing though.

satisfied with his artwork and assured that no one will find out about his doings, liam wiped the residue of the meat onto his jeans and started to walk out of the room. being the loyal worker he was, he turned off all the lights in the store before stepping out of the building and locking it just like harry instructed. after deeming that the lock was fastened, he smiled to himself as the usual excitement of meeting his baby boy coursed through himself.


on his way down the alley to niall's home, it started to rain but the weather wasn't enough to deter liam's enthusiasm towards watching his baby boy doing cute domestic things. when he's closer to the apartment, he decided against climbing onto the balcony – for now at least – as the lights to the blonde's bedroom was still on and he could get caught spying on the boy. so with his hoodie zipped up to his neck and his hood covering the top of his head, he stood in the middle of the street despite the droplets of water pelting onto his body.

a fond smile appeared on his face though when he finally sees niall. the boy looked absolutely breath-taking even from this angle with his cute nose and his impeccable side profile while his beautiful azure eyes stared at what liam assumed was his phone when his pearly whites made an appearance as he laughed at something on the screen. liam never felt luckier by the fact that the gods above had blessed him with a pretty angel that constantly brings the happy side of himself.

his reverie was broken by a car honk, it was loud enough that it made the rarely surprised man jump from his spot before he was jogging out of the way so the vehicle could pass through the tiny passage. he also realised that the car honk managed to attract the residents of the neighbourhood who were stood out of their house and balconies as they watched the spectacle happen, his baby boy included. after figuring out that no one was harmed, most of them went back into their homes but niall was still stood from his balcony as he looked down at the man in the all black attire soaked in rain.

shivers ran through niall's small body and not only due to the cold conditions when he realised the man was already staring back at him. instinctively he pulled the oversized sleeping t-shirt so it covered more of his body as his boxers didn't leave anything to the imagination and he was about to slowly backtrack into his bedroom and probably lock the balcony door forever when his phone starts ringing. picking it up, he couldn't help the excited 'zayn!' that left his mouth when he heard the familiar chuckle before he's plopping himself onto the bed – his previous thoughts of the strange man all flying out of the window.

meanwhile, liam was seething in anger. not only did his baby boy tease him with his innocent façade yet the tight boxers he had on said otherwise but he also picked another man over him. and the fact that he can hear the giggles his niall was emitting just for zayn made him turn around and kicked the old and rusty car beside him. his powerful kick left a dent on the poor car's door and despite the pain he felt in his boots, it could never beat the hatred he had towards zayn because for one fucking time, he decided to put his trust on someone only to get stabbed in the back.

oh hey! 

i was just doing covers for my good friend -wonderxwoman- when i felt a sudden urge to update this story. so i guess you should all send her some love (she writes ziall ok) because if she didn't come back to wattpad and start a bomb ass new book then there would probably be no update for today.

the story is still going to be on hold though (i think?) , this was just like a sudden boost of inspiration that i will sleep off later so real sorry about that.

and i also posted a nuke fanfic on luke's bday if you guys haven't noticed that. so, if you're into nuke or just into bottom!niall as much as i am, check it out! i have a feeling that toxic is going to be a smutty book but if it's not then please bear with me too lol.

oh oh and i forgot to thank everyone for 600+ views, 54 votes and 15 comments - you guys are the best!

(⌒▽⌒)♡ cass  

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