Next day for the cat.

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"Yum~" I purred as I ate my pocky, and the Host club sat around the big table to discuss the activities.

"So boss," Hikaru started, "Should we do a cat theme in honor of our neko friend?" Kaoru ended.

"You're right! We should act like nekos!" Tamaki held his fist in the air.

"So I just stay me~?" I asked them, still eating my pocky.

"Yes, of course, then we can be the lazy cat just like you!" He cheered, and I just stared at him.

"That's kinda rude to say, Blondie~"

"SAYS THE GIRL THAT CALLS ME 'BLONDIE' AND NOT MY GIVEN NAME!" He yelled at me, and Haruhi calmed him down.

"Senpai, please." She said, patting his shoulders.

"Though, she has a point, that is kind of rude, Tamaki," Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses, "Even if I don't trust her, and her actions."

"Kyo-can, you should give Ren-san a chance!" Honey beamed up.

"Mh." Mori hummed, looking out the window.

"I'll have her come by my house, so I can tell if she's not lying." He said, slightly frowning.

"Rude~" I purred.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue.

"Who are you? Levi~?"

"You, shush."


"Why y-"

"Kyoya, calm down!" Haruhi got between us, and pushed Kyoya away from me.

"She's a god damn pest." He growled. "Come on, Ren, we have to go now." He walked out of the club, and I followed him, having my pocky in my hand.

"Nya~" I meowed, eating my pocky stick.

"I don't think Kyoya likes cats, or, any animals in that matter." Haruhi said.

"He likes some, he's just doesn't really like cats." Tamaki said.

"What do you think," Kaoru started, "They would be together at his home?"



"KYOOOOYYYYAAAAA!!!" Tamaki, yelled and ran to his house.

"Ha, what a pervert." Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison.

~At Kyoya's house~

"Sit on the couch, while I go talk to my dad about your presence." He said, and left the room.

I looked at his notepad, and I picked it up and looked through it.

Tamaki Suoh

-Princely Idiot
-2nd year
Hitachiin twins
-1st year
-Devilish Homosexuals
-3rd year
-boy Lolita
-3rd year
-Silent dark horse
-4th year (Maybe)
-Lazy, cute neko
-Can not be trusted

Why would I have a little more facts than anyone else?

Kyoya walked back into the room, and I already had the notepad at it's place.

He came over and sat next to me, looking at me.

I looked at him, with my adorable cat face, with a pocky stick in my mouth, "Yes~?"

He just stared at me, and I thought I could see a faint blush, as I nibbled on my pocky stick.

He slowly leaned in and bit the end of my pocky, and I blushed a little.


He bit the end and broke the middle of it, "I wanted a little." As he chewed on the stick in his mouth.

"I have a box right here, Kyoya." I said, and shook the box in front of him.

"You'd have more, or.." He leaned in again, making our noses touch, "Did you want me to do this?" He said, in a low seductive voice, as his lips brushed against mine.

"Kyoya.." I said, looking in his eyes.

"KYOOOOYYAAAAA!! DON'T HURT MY LITTLE KITTY CAAATTT!!" Tamaki yelled, as he walked in the room, and pounced on him.

"Tamaki, you baka!" Kyoya yelled, and I laughed.

"Boss thought you were gonna do something perverted, so he ran by." The twins said, as they shrugged their shoulders.

"We didn't do anything, baaaka." Kyoya grumbled.

I felt Mori sling me over his shoulder, and hum.

"Takashi, let's go drop off Ren-san!" Honey squealed, running to the door.

At least he trusts me.

Host Club CatWhere stories live. Discover now