First day

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I get off the bus out the front of my school as i prepare for my first day i watch as older students arrive in cars or walk into the school grounds i do my best to try and remember where the admin office is but its sorta hard not having someone guide me there i eventually make it to the office and a lady pops her head from out of behind of the counter in front of me and asks what it is i am looking for i say that i am new and i have to get my timetable, a few other girls walk into the office and sit in the chairs behind me they immediately begin to whisper between themselves i can only pick up a few words but i know there talking about me the lady form behind the counter and walks up to me " are you Co-co green" i just respond with a nod as she hands me a piece of paper with my name and all these classes printed on them i say thanks and head towards the door and the lady calls to me i stop and turn around and she points out one of the girls with long blond hair that is sitting on the chair and says " Alice will show you where to go" we both object at the same time and the office lady just smiles at Alice and says " I can see you guys will get along just fine" Alice glares at the lady for a second then turns to me a gives me a smile but i could tell it was forced. we make our way out of the office and down a few sets of stairs we walk next to each other but none of us dare say a word, after a few minutes of silence Alice breaks the silence, she grabs hold of my arm making me come to a sudden stop and spin around so i am facing her " if  we are going to be friends you have a few rules that you have to follow 1. i am leader of this school and anyone who tries to change that well isn't going to have a fun time and 2. what i say goes" she looks me straight in the eyes as she says this and it feels as if she is staring into my soul, i dont loose eye contact for the fear she would just jump on me at any moment if i were to look away ten she stands up straight and completely changes her tone of voice and says in this tiny little voice " i love you hair its so pretty" and i relise that there is a teacher behind us asking why we arnt in class i explain that i am new, but the teacher still doesnt look convinced and takes me to my class with alice walking in front of us.

we walk up to a big building about two times bigger then my house the teacher which i found out her name is mrs rainbow knocks on the door which i could swear the was three times my height, then the door opens and a tall guy with dark brown hair almost black ,amazing green eyes and a perfect smile is standing in the door way with a questioning look, Mrs rainbow pushes me towards the guy in the door way with a swift movement the boy catches me stopping me from landing on my face " hey little doll careful where you step you might get hurt and we cant have you ruining a perfect little face like that" i can feel my cheeks going red and i just smile because i know if i speak no words will come out and it will just be a little mumble he seams to catch on that im nervous and tries to comfort me my showing me around the classroom and i introducing everyone to me which just makes everything worse " what class is this" i ask he then grabs my hand and spins me around and makes me lean back while his arm holds me up like you see in the movies" this is dance oh and hey im Conner" now i am deffently blushing. i had  completly forgotten about Alice when she walked up to Conner and grabs the waist of his shorts causing him to drop me she pulls him closer to her and she tries to kiss him but he pushes her away " Alice go away i already told you were over" he exclaims " no were not your just confused at the moment we are perfect together and you know it" her voice is rising a little and i can see the anger in her eyes but Conner just unhooks Alice's hands from his shorts and walks over to me and holds out his hand to help me up i can see Alice out of the corner of my eye and she is glaring at me and i know she is saying if you take his hand i will make your life a living hell. its my first day of school and i dont want to have a enemy already so i wave his hand away and start to pull myself up but he jumps behind me and places his hands under my arms and picks me up, " this will deffenatly make alice explode" i whisper into Conners ear as i find my feet planted on the ground he then turns me around so i am looking him in the eyes and says"Alice can go fuck herself whatever she thinks we had is over" i look away then glance back at him seeing that he is still making eye contact with me now i am certainly blushing and then all of a sudden i hear the chime of the bell calling recess and conner releases his grip on me and leads me to the door.

i sit alone at recess because i dont dare go talk to Alice because by the way she looked at me after Conner helped me up i dont think that she is very interested in a friendship at this particular moment in time, to my right i see her walking towards me i begin to panic what if she goes skitz on me i stand up and begin in the oppisist direction walking away from her when i suddenly see her other friends walking towards me i glance quickly behind me to see Alice gaining ground on  me, i find a door on my left and walk through it hiding from the girls then BAM!! im struck to the ground it was like i was hit in the chest with a tonne of bricks, i look up and see Conner as suprised as i am i shake my head trying to make the fuzzyness go away but it doesnt do anything but make it worse i manage to make it to my feet without falling back down as i lean  over to pick up my books that have scattered all over the floor Conner seams to have the same idea and we bumb heads "we have to stop meating like this cocopop" he says "what did you call me?' i ask "cocopop or is there some signifecence to the name and im not aloud to call you that" he replys "no no no... its ok its just ive never been called that before" Conner hands me the rest of my books and leads me out of the door again. i finish the rest of the day pretty well i sit  next to Conner in my intro to bio chem due to Alice not being in my class as for when she was in my class i just sit up next to the teacher by myself.

i walk into the door and find my dad in the kitchen making Emily some afternoon tea " how was school darling" i drop my bag on the table " it was OK" i answer " did you make new friends, any guys you like?" he seams to put an emfiphses on the guys part " yer i made friend with this girl named Alice" i absolutly lied through my teeth i hate lieing to my dad but i hate him worring about me more he seams to buy it i grab my bag and head up the stairs "dinners at 5 be ready by then" dad yells behind me i couldnt be bothered replying so i just walk the rest of the way to my bedroom, i push my door aside and flop into my bed i pull down my sheets and roll under my covers even though its stil light outside i drift off to sleep and let my dreams over come me.

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