reunited with an old friend

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i awaken to a tapping sound like someone is dragging a key against metal bars. i slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the dim lighting barely enough to see through. i make out a figure dressed all in black behind the bars of a jail cell, i wonder why my dream has taken me to a hooded man in jail when i relise im the one behine the bars the whole day comes flashing back the car rides, skipping class. through my rushing thoughts i hear a voice " im still standing here, you havent forgotten about me have you angel" i look back to were i saw the man in black standing but he was no longer there i walk to the bars and try to see down past all of the cells but all the lights are switched off excepted the flouesent exit sign above the door at the end of the hallway. then the hooded figure materilises out of the darkness in front of my cell he moves closer untill he is only inches away from my face i can feel hs warm breath making its way into my skin, i look at the man in front of me and try t pick out his face from the darkness but all i can find is a pair of midnight black eyes that you can see are filled with many secrets that will never reach his lips if he had a say in this. somehow n matter how dark he was i felt a deep attraction to him that ive only everf felt once before.. with "conner?" i ask in a hushed voice so no one can hear "well angel, thats a little insulting, you dont even recgognise me" he says in a voice that is serious but i can hear a smile show on his face but he said it  so quietly even i could barely make it out. a sudden chill ran down my spine and i stumbled at the thought "you're not conner" i say while stumbling back afew steps "good guess angel" he says mimiking me and steppng back into the shadows once again concealing him from my vision, i move towards the bars again but a feeling in my stomach tells me its not a smart idea but i ignore it and push my face into the bars trying to make out the figure but come up empty handed " do you never learn angel, i thought i thought you better then to let me into your head" the man says my knees nearly give way when i relise the voice came from behind me, from in the cell, frozen in fear i open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, i have so many questiones to ask like how did he get into the police station, how did he get into my cell, who is he "stop calling me angel" i feel like hitting myself in the head out of all the things i could have said i choose the least important thing of all "Angel" he says with a smirk on his face. i feel myself start to blush and begin to move a step closer to him but stop mid step when i relise he had taken off what looked like a hoodie and replaced it with a ball cap he was wearing a plain black t-shirt that showed off every single muscel he had and black jeans, his hair was in a mess over his face and it looked like he hadnt shaved in afew days because i could see were hs stubble had started growing on his chin he looked like he hadnt showered in afew days but still had the scent of pepperment on his skin "no need to rush you, you know how you are so busy admiring my body but i cant stay here very long, if they know im gone any longer they'll relise and i wont be able to see you again" any smile that he did have before was gone now and i could tell he wsnt joking, but i still had no idea what he was talking about " i know you confused angel" he said rising to his feet from my cell bed while reaching for the back of his neck " but you are in big danger locked up like this, when you wake up take this key break out of here and run as far away as you can" he said while he unlached a neckalse with a key on it and fastening it around my neck " wake up?" i asked questionally this couldnt be a dream could it no it couldnt be ive never met this guy before and it was to real to be fake. when suddenly i felt him drifting away like i was waking from a dream, but i didnt want to leave there was still to much i didnt know like who this guys was why i was stangely so attracted to him before i woke up i grabbed onto his top pulling myslef into him meating his lips with mine i felt him kiss back and pull me closer to him i had the feeling this wasnt the first time we kissed because it felt so familar so safe, even though i have never met him, i move my mouth away slowley and open my mouth to say sorry when he pulls me in again and kisses me again i run my hands through his hair and over his muscles remembering every detail as i get the feeling i wont be seeing him again in a while " angel you rememeber me" he says a smile creaping to his face "we've met?" i asked confused, i could tell by the way he kissed me we had but i wasnt going to tell him that. the smile had completly dissapeared from his face by now " i guess it will take more then true loves kiss to make you remember" but i could tell by his tone he wasnt joking " will i see you again?" i ask him trying to see what he is feeling but i cant see anything past his eyes they conceal everything " cross my heart , hope to die" at first i thought he was mocking me because i always believed it when i was younger that it meant everything if you broke it but then i senced he ment it seriously almost as serious as if he ewould die if he didnt keep that promise i felt myself slipping out of his arms again but this time i couldnt hold onto anything i was falling but first i yelled to my new friend"whats your name? what do i call you?" he laughed as if he thought i was joking but answered with a soothing voice that made me miss him already                                                                                                                " just call me, Patch"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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