Chapter 8 - Your Feet, Or A Body Bag.

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TW: Sexual Language and Body Harm

Valentina's POV

I followed them from the rooftops, to Myra's house. She looked so good while in that car, but that fucking random man kept clinging onto MY woman.

It's a shame that he is my target, she's gonna be so mad at me when I kill him. Fuck, that'll be so hot to see. Anyway, I was trailing their car, and the fucking dude just kept getting closer and closer, and Myra wasn't doing anything as is she was fucking entertaining it. I guess she needs another wound in her stomach,and maybe some on those big tits.

When we finally reached Myra's house, like 20 minutes later, I took this time to climb to the tree that's right next to her room, and climbed into her window. My Myra's not that smart... I heard her shower running and the target downstairs. I quickly opened her room door, sneaking outside of it. Everything looks so nice, beautiful and clean. I'd love to see it all go to ruins. I see a long line of different family members, but only the women are on the wall. Running down the stairs, I make sure to alert some of the security guards, I wanna see some bloodshed today. A security guard runs up behind me, and I swing around, slitting his throat and watching as his blood stains my hair and half of my body. It's all so..refreshing, it feels so good. I kill a couple more guards until I reach Ezra's room,by pure luck, he's sleeping.

"M-Miss Cascarino?" He sensed my presence. Fuck. Am I getting sloppy? "Why are you here?" WHAT THE FUCK. His voice dropped like 5 octaves lower. His arms shakily reached out to his phone, and dialed Myra. I couldn't care less. I can't wait to see her. When the door opens she's wearing some Nike Pros, and a sports bra. What a nice sight to get hard too,but a shame Ezra's seeing it as well, now I have to fork his eyes out. "You're here, darling~" , "Vale, how'd you get in here? Go! I'm serious! My mother will be home soon." , "Well, I have to kill my target~" , "What?-" I lunged onto the bed, wrapping Ezra in a tight headlock, his reflexes are extremely slow.

Embarrassing, my father was right. "You are a weak man, hmmm?" I took his phone and scrolled through it, since it was open. "Put him down, Vale, I don't wanna fight you!" , "Why? Scared you'll get cut? Not my fault you have such beautiful, thick blood." She looks at me in pure terror. Ezra gasps, "A-are you an alpha? What the fuck is pressing on my back?" I cover his mouth and press the tip of my knife to a vital jugular." My dick dumbass", "N-no, Vale please...Y'know what, fuck this shit"

My beautiful girl lunges at me, and it sucks. I had to fuck up her pretty little face, but at least she got one hit on me. I let Ezra go, and grab her by the head, my palm engulfing her face as I slam her on the bed, making sure all the force of my palm goes towards the right side of her face. She should have a black eye in about an hour. I'm getting hard at the pretty but brutal sight. "You're so nasty, Mi Amor, if you just wanted me to mark you and cut you up you could've said it. Never knew you were such a freak about it." Myra visibly cringes, and lands a hard punch to my chest, nearly knocking the fucking wind out of me. Shit.

I back up, straggling, and Ezra laughs, cheering on Myra. Ugh. "Good job, Myra!" , "Vale, go, seriously. This isn't the time, and you're not gonna kill my client!" , "He's my target, don't worry Mi amor...I'll shield you from the blood." I said looking back winking at her.

Myra's POV

I see Ezra's whole demeanor shift. Not much like the nerd I've been seeing for the last 2 days. "I'm your target? You might as well resign." , "What the fuck you say?" Vale's knife is in Ezra's thigh in an instant, and Ezra is sobbing, his glasses broken and off somewhere... "I'm-I'm sorry, ma'am! I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry!" Wow, Vale is scary... Vale grabs me, and drags me to the hallway, leaving bloody footprints in her path. "Eughhh, you're getting blood all over me! Who's blood is this? Don't tell me you've killed more of my guards-!" , "Shut up. I have a bad feeling about this Ezra dude. Maybe you should avoid him, for now. He'll get you hurt. And you know, I'm the only one that can hurt you~."

I yank away, "You're so possessive and obsessive. Vale, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm not yours!" I reluctantly get closer, and tell her. "Vale, you have to go, now. Your feet, or a body bag." Vale rolls her eyes," It's not like you don't like it Myra". She kisses on the mark she left on my cheek. Her lip gloss making it sting, I didn't react fast enough. When I wince in pain, she smiles, and busts a window open, running into the night, as she always does.

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