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" I heard from jake what happened yesterday I'm sorry it's all my fault I shouldn't let you go alone " sunoo said in sad tone.

" it's okay sunoo don't blame yourself
yourself what happened yesterday it was not your fault it's my fault I shouldn't take any shortcuts hahha" sunghoon said and jungwon nodded.

"Next time I should accompany
You "jungwon said .

" the three trio walking on the corridor hall and talking about random things".

" sunghoon didn't noticed he was too busy in talking that he bumped into someone and all his books fall on the floor".

"Ouch!" Sunghoon groaned.

"Sunghoon you okay?" Jungwon and sunoo helped sunghoon.

"Hey watched out !!are you blind or what!!" Sunoo yelled and sunghoon look up .

"And when he did he saw someone, and when he did his heartbeating fast. The person who was standing infront him looking at him with cold and poker face".

" sunghoon don't know why but he feel his own tears rolled from his cheek silently seeing a unfamiliar person for first time but he feels like he and the person meet before its like he's someone sunghoon cherish the most .the person he dearest most but the question is who is he".

"My prince I will protect you" ??said and hugging him, bloods come out from his mouth."

"Their eyes meeting with each other.it feels like no one surrounding its just him and the person".

"Why...why " Prince said the knight smiled and wiped the prince tears.

"Who are you?why I feel I know you from many years did we meet before?" Sunghoon thought on his mind .

"Because I love you "

"Prince solon"???Whispered.



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"A shadow we can see ,bloods dripping on the floor and solon smell familier person scent and when he open his eyes his eye's widened and can't belive".

"My prince I will protect you" ??said and hugging him bloods come out from his mouth.

"No...!!no!! No!!!!!" Solon screamed in shocked.

"Why....why did you come in between our fight...you are not supposed to be here why did you..-" Prince said and tears rolled down from his cheek.

"Fool! Who told you to sacrifice yourself to protect him you idiot knight" the king said in cold tone .

"Why...why " Prince said the knight smiled and wiped the prince tears.

"Because I love you "

" and with that his body fall on the floor"

" prince watched his knight body falling from his embrace ".

"Heli...why did you save me" sunghoon said and hugged his body and crying .

*end flashback*

" that day what happened everything changed in our life , protecting you I thought I will able to save you but..I failed .."heeseung thought on his mind...

*flashback*<heli pov>

" when I awake I realized they dragged you away from me ,I try my best to protect you I'm ready to die for you but.."

"I realized I'm too late"

"The door was locked he can see him the door was made by glass prince solon make eye contact with jino and tear rolled down from his cheek ,inside everything was burning".

"Save me jino!! Save me I don't want to die save me"

"I'm late .."

" I turned my side and saw him...prince lover knight jino he was standing there and freez ".

"Why...even I try to save you how many times even I protect you many times...I realize you never love me...my prince" heli clench his fist angrily.


*end flashback*

" the person turned his back and ignoring sunghoon and going towards other side, sunghoon and his friends watched him going ."

" hey! Are you crazy apologize to sunghoon ! Now" sunoo yelled.

" the person turned his back and look at them with cold face.sunghoon eyes widened when he realized he's the same who save him yesterday  but...what he was doing inside the forest?".

" tell your friend the same thing" the person said and walked away.

"That heeseung hyung..."jungwon whispered and sunoo look at jungwon.

" do you know him jungwon?" Sunghoon asked and jungwon nodded.

" he used to our friend, back when we are new jay hyung, sunoo hyung, jake hyung and heeseung hyung we used to stay together but one day something happened between us...he left us and leave us forever..."jungwon said in sad tone.

"But I didn't know he's back now..."jungwon said and looking at heeseung back .


" prince!! Hold my hand I will get you out from here!!" Heli said and solon crying the fire was too much.

" go away heli! if you stay here then You will die with me here !!!go away" solon yelled and crying.

" I can't! Please hold my hand prince please!! No one dying here I will get you out " heli said and smiled.

"Belive me" he whispered .

" prince solon nodded and he give his hand but before he meet heli , heli notice a big thing going to fall on solon, without hesitant without care about his life once again he jumped towards him and hugged tightly "

"Heli what are you doing no!!" Prince solon said and crying .

"My prince..."heli whispered.

"Please be alive"



*the Castel blast with loud explosion and jino screamed loudly".

"Heli !! Solon!!!"

" heli , solon, jino there body lying on the ground...everywhere fire and fire".

*end flashback*

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