One-shot Request: The Lady of Avalon AU

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The Lady of Avalon (Highschool AU)


The Liones Academy is having their seasonal field trips for their freshmen. One of the famous spots in the Britannia amusement park, which is their last destination for the day is the renowned Cant Bazaar. The structure of the bazaar is spiraling, with stairs or elevators designed for students to enjoy their time buying souvenirs.

Now, the whole group consisting of Percival, Nasiens, Donny, Anne and Lancelot were all looking forward to seeing the museum featured in the Cant Bazaar where the sculpture of a dragon egg is displayed.

"Percy, stop gawking around. You'll get lost." Lancelot reprimanded, forcefully dragging the boy by his collar to get through the crowd of students loitering around the area.

Gasping for air from the tight hold of the blonde, Percival whined. "Can we just take the elevator to the top floor? I just want to see the dragon sculpture."

Anne planted a fist on the boy's head. "We can't skip the other booths. I'm sure Edlin-senpai wouldn't let us hear the end of it if we didn't." The blue-haired girl grumbled, stressfully playing with her ribbon.

"I think I'll hang out at their apothecary store. There's been a craze in the botany community and I want to buy a concoction if they have it." The brunette, Nasiens, spoke up, lips bleeding as he bit into it with excitement and ran off.

"Then let's go to that stall there. I heard they have a secret alcoholic drink." Donny giggled menacingly, tugging on Percival's collar who in turn had his eyes shining brightly with curiosity.

Annoyed, Anne huffed, arms crossed. "Seriously none of you guys want to check out the souvenir store? We can buy matching headbands or keychains!" She offered, only to get ignored by the rest of the group.

"Give me your bags before you go." Lancelot mused, "Bring your phones and wallets. I'll go rent us a locker." Soon enough, his arms carried four heavy backpacks along with his to the locker booth.

As expected, the others didn't bother waiting for him and so he took his time to walk around the lobby ground area for anything that might pique his interest.

And he did.

It surprisingly came in the form of a purple-haired girl, wearing quite a grand outfit and even a beret to top it. His red eyes with her honey-colored ones and that was when realization kicked in.

Their brows furrowed, irritation spiking as they took a good look on each other. "Aren't you quite a little stalker?" said the purple-haired girl, glaring daggers at this blonde boy who wasn't anything but rude.

"Ha? Get your head out your ass. I ain't stalking you." Lancelot snapped back, clearly apalled by her accusations.

"Says the one who clearly followed me all the way from the Finger of God." the purple-haired girl deadpanned, arms crossed as she recalled their unpleasant encounter at the gigantic Ferris wheel stationed near the Cant Bazaar.

A few hours ago-

Morgana was leisurely taking her time exploring the amusement park her friend had previously recommended. It was the first time she's able to roam around without her bodyguards and attendants keeping an eye on her. Her father's worries were quite unfounded, after all, no one has ever seen her face even if she's the announced heir to their family business.

Everything felt suffocating back at her home. In addition to her half-sisters constantly ostracizing her low origins, her father turned a blind eye to the abuse she endured since child hood. It puzzled Morgana how the man wanted to keep her locked inside yet he hasn't shown any affection or a glint of pity to her.

It wasn't her fault that her mother, the chairman's 2nd wife, is nothing but a commoner from another country. So she's always left to wonder why she's taking to whole brunt of the people's anger in her mother's place. But she never blamed her. Even if the chairman was the richest man, his meek demeanor wasn't enough to protect Morgana's mother in the public eye. It's no wonder she left them for another man.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her life wondering how it would've been if she ran away. And so, with enough preparation, she left that place with nothing but a suitcase filled with everyday clothes and jewelry she sold for some money.

Curious to see a lot of teenagers the same age as her, Morgana bought premium tickets for the Britannia amusement park and went on to explore.

"Don't you have a buddy you could go on a ride with, Miss?" The attendant to the Finger of God Ferris wheel asked, snooping behind her.

Morgana could only shake her head and was about to dangle her premium ID when the attendant beamed and dragged a stranger into one of the carts. "H-Hey! I'm not with her. What the hell?" The blonde guy protested, still unable to exit the cart.

"Stop making a fuss." Morgana sighed, feeling the vehicle she's in shaking as the boy stomped his feet. "You can get down once it's over."

Lancelot, who just got separated from his group, grumbled and quietly sat down across this stranger. He fished out his phone and sent a message to their group chat before he shoved it back into his pants. "You could've said I wasn't with you."

"This ride needs two people for it to be balanced. Unfortunately you had to be the one I get to share this with." The girl threw him a dirty look, questioning his intelligence. "Besides, your little protest proved to be of little effect."

Her comments struck a nerve. Not only is she giving him that degrading look, the girl had the guts to actually belittle him. "I assume little miss is here on a solo trip. Don't have friends to come with you?" Lancelot snickered, determined to get back at her.

"I don't need companions to go have fun. Unlike you who needs friends to accompany you." Morgana shot back a glare, arms crossed. She didn't need friends. Allowing others to get close is yet another vulnerability and risks her freedom.

"Yeah, exactly what someone with no friends will say."

"What are you, a kid?"

Lancelot sighed, almost failing to control his temper. "What's your name?"

"And I'm supposed to tell you that after what happened?"

The tension between the two thickened, both glaring daggers at each other during the whole ride. As soon as the cart was opened from outside, Morgana and Lancelot rushed to exit and walked away. Both wishing not to meet each other again.

But clearly that wasn't the case.


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