Chapter 1 'The Meeting'

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I was running to Ninjago Park, my boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend, was caught on video having sex with another girl because I wouldn't. He even said so on the tape, of course he was drunk when he did but that doesn't matter. My pounding footsteps echoed in my ears as I ran as fast as I could, the water from the nearby stream rushed to fill what little silence I had in my ears. I quickly fell to my knees falling on my side immediately after and curled into a ball against the cherry blossom tree. Its blossoms trying to comfort me as they danced around my trembling torso.

As I stopped crying and I stayed in fetal position, I started to hear a faint crying sound that wasn't coming from me. I perked up thinking that I could get my mind off of my cheating EX to help someone else. I silently got on my hands and knees and crawled to the mystery person. He had light brown/gingery red hair, his arms cradled his head that was buried into his knees. I could see that he had been here a while and crying the whole time, his blue hoodie soaked and his blue jeans slightly damp. I wiped some of my tears away and crawled to him, I wrapped my arms around him and immediately after got him to yelp at the unexpected contact. He looked up and met my blue-gray eyes with his lightning blue ones.

"I-I'm s-sorry I j-just thought you could u-use a-a looked r-really sad-"

I was caught off guard by him wrapping his arms around my waist and continuing to cry loudly into my stomach.

'I have to cheer him up'

I hiccupped a little from crying just a few minutes ago. I spotted a cotton candy stand and got him to let go after a little prying. I ran to the cotton candy stand and got two blue cotton candy cones and ran back to find him in the positon I found him in. I nudged him a little.

'I hope he likes Cotton Candy!'

He looked at me with his beautiful tear stained blue eyes and gave a small smile as I handed him one of the baby blue Cotton Candy and he gladly accepted. He smiled a little bigger as he ate it, his mouth turning blue as he did. He looked at me and gave me a big grin which made me give him a real smile.


"My name is Jay...don't laugh...but its Jay Walker..." he flinched a little as if I was going to hit him or laugh at him.

I smiled at him "My name is Avery Stirling it's nice to meet you Jay"

He looked at me puzzlingly and smiled as we finished our Cotton Candy. After he finished he blushed a light pink and laid in my lap, I blushed slightly and started petting his hair.

"Hey, Avery?"

"Yea Jay?"

"Why didn't you laugh at my name? Everyone thinks it's funny because it's like jay walking and everyone laughs even the ones I just meet..."

He looked at me sadly, almost pleading that I tell him I gave a low sigh.

"Your already hurt enough, I don't know why your hurt but I do know that you need a friend. I am willing to be that friend until...well until you don't need me anymore-"

"That's never gonna happen! I think I'll need you forever...and I was crying because my girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend..."

I sat him up and hugged him I started to cry softly into his shoulder.

'I've decided I'm gonna tell him...'

"Jay...I was crying too...M-My ex-boyfriend was caught on film...having s-sex w-with another g-girl and I was f-forced to watch it b-by Th-the mean girls a-at my s-school..."

I forced myself to tell him through my newly formed tears. His head shot up and he pulled me onto my feet and into a tight embrace. I blushed a little but continued to cry silently into my new friends' chest.

'I feel safe and warm for once...I've never felt this before and I hope it never goes away...Jay Walker is my new best friend and I hope he feels the same.'

"I'm sorry that you had to see makes my problem seem less important..."

"No! No! No! Jay me helping you helped me get over the jerk to be honest I don't remember what I even saw in him."

I had to quickly interject, I didn't want him thinking his problems didn't matter. I wiped my tears away and hugged him one last time.

"I have to go home Jay"

He sadly nodded and hugged back.

"Yea me too. I'm sure my friends are worried sick about me being gone so long. See you here tomorrow same place and time?"

I nodded into his shoulder as we reluctantly let go of our comfortable embrace smiled and waved at each other walking to our homes.

'Somehow today is the best day I'll ever have'

Jay and I met up in the same park at around three pm for about two months. When I got home one night I noticed my mom was home but my dad wasn't. I ran upstairs and packed a weeks' worth of stuff into a bag with a little bit of money.

'Looks like another fights gonna brake out tonight that means hotel night for me.'

I snuck out to find them fighting again and after leaving a note on my whereabouts I bolted for the nearest hotel.

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