the big news.

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Aquarius pov
I was sitting down back in the zodiac leaders house were she is going to make 2 announcement. One is that will be starting high school, the other she is gping to introduce pisces. As the planner of this event i have to be here first usually an hour or so cause of virgo always so up years early. I hear the door open and see virgo.
"Oh hey virgo." I replied while laying down on the couch.

"How did you get here before me its impossible i should have been the 1 but now im second!!!" He yelled in my face

"Dude be chill im only here first cause i planned the event which means i brought the food go and help yourself." I replied calmly

"Oh you planned this which means you knkw what it about tel me are we going o a mission or what !!" He replied gelling again

"No dude chill you have to wait and find out." I replie annoyed

"Why cant you ju-." Virgo was cut off from the door opening

And my heart started beating was Capricorn.

Capricorn pov

Im just about there im only 5 minutes before the meeting time, i think to myself as i open the door only to see virgo and ..aquarius he staring right at me a my hearta starts pumping but i quickly go back to normal turn my attention to virgo

"Are you ready to lose to you lousy hypothesis virgo?" I said rather annoyed

"Hmmp i could say the same to you bu-" once again virgo waz inturruped by the the fire and the air sign execpt for libra they came in louder than an avalanche.

"Hey can you guys keep it down like alot your gonna get the professor annoyed!!." I yell annoyed

"Hmmp well if it isnt miss goodie im smart and goodie im intelligent and goodie im the boss, im not sure if you have forgotten but im the leader." He says harshly

"You may be the leader of this group but only on missions you are not the leader of my free will and i will not let a child like you think you can talk to me like your the owner of me!!." I says super angry that all ths present zodiacs took a step back even aries just then the water and the rest of the earth sign and libra walked in.

Taurus pov.

"Scorpio, cancer, libra im hungry" i whined

"Tch how can you be hungry when you literally just ate 4 bags of chips 1 minutes ago" he says super ticked.

"It's ok taurus were gonna be there in about right now see." Says libra sweetly

"Ugh fine."

As cancer opens the door everyone turns to look at us

"Hi everyone were is the food." I asked excited

"Its over there no ones eating cause there to busy bickering so help yourself." Says aquarius reliefed

As i ran toward the food and started chowing down.

Scorpio pov.

Ugh tarus is so annoying hiw can she even eat that much.
We all stop what were doing as the head professor walks up and starts talking

"Good morning zodiacs i have special news 2 things to say actually, one is you guys will be starting high school." She say excited

I almost fell on my face and so did everyone else she continued again

"And we have someone we want you to meet," she says a girl walks up to her my heart starts beating a little she was pretty
Ugh what was i thinking its nit like i care.she continues again

"This cute adorable little girl is pisces the soul of your group but know also the new youngest, i need to go ut please help jer out she still hasnt connected her soul to hed fate so she'll nedd a bit of help.bye." she says running away

Great a girl in my group and sje hasnt even connected with her fate gosh and she cute wait whay ami saying libra then starts speaking.

"Omgoodness look at thus adorable soul you look so innocent and cute and oh my oh my." She says hugging her to death.

As everyone introduces themselves me and cancer are last

"Hi im cancer and were gonna be your knew house buddies since were all water signs its going to be grate isnt it scorpio." He says happy

"Tch ya its so great to have another crybaby in the water sign house."i yell pretty loud and sarcastically that everyone turns to me and just stares while i stare at her.

"Umm please do not judge me cause you feel like you know me just cause im water sign you judgemental villian looking demon." She says cold which everyone got complete washed away from even me as i took a step back then grab her by her shirt

"Tch i can call you whatever the hell i want, and judge hower i want i am human." I stoped a bjt shock cause none of us are human

"Negative we are not human which means such things as love and happiness is mot needed to us we are only weapons and none of you should forget that." She says sadly like if shd told to say it but it hurt her to say it to so i put her down.

"Tch.sorry look lets just go show you to your new house and room."i say bluntly then out of nowhere she lightens up

"Wow really i have a house and room wow i cant wait im so excited and happy whoopie yay." She says jumping up and down
As everyone else sweatdrops

"Tch. come on me and cancer will walk you to your new house." I say then she looks down which makes me look down then i realized she doesnt have any shoes
Again everyone sweatdrops

"Umm pisces were are your shoes," asks cancer

"Umm shoes??i dont dont think i know what those are." She says bubbly
Me and cancer mind communicate

"What do we do," i ask him annoyed

"Hmm i'll carry her on my back but it doesnt look like she has any clothes or material with her so we should take her shopping i dont think she knows what shoes are." Said cancer a bit sad

"Ugh fine but im not going in with you and her." I say a but embarrassed

"Okay pisces cancer will give you a piggy back ride to the house."

She blushes a bit "ok."she says as she gets on cancer back and he lifts her

"Woah she lighter than she seems." Cancer says in suprise
As we say our good bys taurus comes up to me amd whispers

"Hey im comimg with you guys to go shoppimg plus i got some spare sandals at your house from my last sleepover wuth cancer."
She says determined

"Tch.and why do you want to come." I say annoyed

"Because that girl is gonna be my bestest friend that will practically be like sisters." She finishes with stars in her eyes

"Tch. Fine lets go." I say bluntly

She goes to tell the earth signs that she is gonna sleep over and joins us once again this is gonna be a pain.

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