Mrs. Jackson

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Percy's POV
After we showed up at my mom's apartment door I looked over to make sure Nico didn't pass out. Luckily, he didn't. I knocked on the door and heard my mom holler from the other side. After a minute, she answered.

When she saw me she pulled me into a massive hug. "Percy! Your okay!" I hugged her back and realized how much I had missed her. When she pulled away she smiled, then hugged Nico. He tensed up at first, then relaxed. "Yea mom, I'm ok, except...." I trailed off and looked at Nico. We had a conversation through our eyes. Should I tell her? The look he gave me said something like, yes, she should know. I nodded and looked back at her. "Oh? Before you tell me come in" she smiled and held the door open for us. We walked in and sat on the couch. Paul came in shortly after. "So back to what I was saying, Aphrodite put a curse on camp half blood that changed everyone's personality. Only me and Nico's didn't change, but our clothes did." She nodded. "Well you two boys must be hungry! Do you want some cookies?" We both nodded yes and she went to start the food. I tapped Nico's shoulder and he looked at me, a piece of hair falling over his eyes. Gods he looked hot. That thought came out of nowhere, but I've gotten used to it. Here lately I've been thinking these types of things. I don't know what it means, but hopefully I'll find out. "Follow me". I stood up and walked to my bedroom.

"Do you remember the last time you were here, we had to stay the night because you were exhausted from shadow travel?" He nodded his head yes. "Well, you left some clothes and my mom told me she put them up for you to get but we never had a chance to come back." I started looking around the room. "Maybe they are still here, somewhere." I walked over to my closet and looked around. Then my dresser. When I opened the last drawer, it was empty besides some black clothes. I grabbed them and stood up. "Here ya go. You can change into them in the bathroom." He took the clothes and walked over, shutting and locking the door. After, I quickly changed into a spare Camp Half Blood tee shirt I kept here and some blue jeans. Just as I finished putting on my shoes, Nico walked out in all black, like normal.
We walked back downstairs and sat down. When my mom came back around the corner she saw we had changed. "So" she started "how long will you two boys be staying?" I looked at Nico and he shrugged. "Well, we only have a week to lift the curse, so maybe just tonight" he explained. My mom smiled and nodded, sitting beside me on the couch, Paul then sat down beside her. We sat in silence besides the TV commercial going on about some new product when the oven beeped. Sally got up and got them ready. When she came back the plate had a lot of blue cookies on it. I licked my lips and grabbed one, Nico grabbed one to. I'm glad he likes my mom's cookies enough to eat them. Soon, all of them were gone. I took a sip of my water and thanked my mom. She told me there was no reason to thank her but I still did anyway. So here we are now, just watching TV relaxing.

The show was about this women who's husband and son were killed in an 'accidental' fire and she's going around trying to figure out who killed them. It was actually a really good show.Then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and looked over. The shadows were moving. I guess Paul and Sally noticed two because they were looking. I looked over at Nico, who was having a nightmare. I guess he fell asleep. Sweat beaded his forehead. "Percy?" My mom asked with worry in her tone. "What's going on". Soon all the shadows were moving towards Nico. "He's shadow traveling in his dream." I can't let him go alone. Who knows where he'll end up! And he can't protect himself passed out. I grabbed his shoulder. "Mom, he can't go alone I'll IM you when we get somewhere safe, love you" she looked worried but shoolk her head. "I love you to Percy". And with that, all the shadows surrounded us and we were gone.

When I opened my eyes, me and an unconscious Nico were falling from the sky. I screamed and looked around. Now I'm really glad I grabbed his shoulder and came with him. Once my eyes landed on the ocean, relief spread through my body. I willed a hand of water to catch us. I then made it sit us on the sand and force fed Nico some ambrosia. I looked around to make sure there were no humans, or monsters. When it was all clear, I sighed. What was Nico dreaming about to make him shadow travel away while still asleep? I'll ask him when he wakes up. I looked at the sleeping Nico. He was adorable. I can't stop these thoughts and I'm glad. I've came to a realization that I might like Nico. I smiled at that thought. I decided I would IM my mom now, the coast is clear and Nico's asleep so maybe I can talk to her. I walk a little further down the beach turned away from Nico, and fished out a dramacha. I used my powers to crate a rainbow with the light and flipped the coin. "Oh fleecy, except my offering and show me Sally Jackson." Soon enough a image of my mother appeared. "Mom" she jumped a little but when she saw me her eyes lit up. "Percy! Are you ok?"

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