Secrets come out

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Nico's POV

Three days had passed and I was scared yet exited. I was scared because what it he hated me, then I remembered my talk with Bianca and regained confidence. I still had no idea how I was going to tell Percy. I mean, I know it seems simple but honestly for me it isn't.

After awhile of walking in thought I just decided to tell him straight forward. I've been through Tarturas and back, alone. Surely I can tell my crush I like them right? Right.

Right now me and Percy were walking through a small town somewhere outside of New York. Now, why so far from home you ask? Well, some demigods still go outside of camp and we didn't want to risk being seen. We kinda' left without telling anyone, we just poof. The last time anything like this happened was when Percy was gone at Camp Jupiter for 8 months.

Although, I doubt Camp Half-Blood even notices we're gone with the personality change, sometimes I just really want to strangle the gods!

It's still early and I decided to tell Percy my feelings around dark, so if things go wrong I can shadow travel away. Let's just hope for the best.

Percy's POV
As we walked I noticed Nico was being quiet. I looked at him to see he was deep in thought. Maybe he's thinking about what he has to do? I have no idea what the has to do, but whatever it is it has his nerves a little torn up.

I decided to tell Nico I liked him today, when, I have no idea. Hopefully I don't mess this up ands scare him away, I don't even know if he likes me back. It was early so I was hungry. I tap on Nico's shoulder making him jump slightly.

"S-sorry'' he said. I put my hands up and looked him in the eye, those beautiful brown eyes. "I'm hungry, wanna get something to eat?" I asked. He raised and eyebrow at me. "Your always hungry, and yea I could eat" was all he said as we sped up our pace.

We decided to eat at a pancake shop thing. It had that homey warm feel. I ordered some pancakes along with a bacon egg and cheese platter. Nico just ordered French toast.

The waitress wrote down our order and looked at me one more time before walking off. Weird I thought but shook it off. We waited about ten minutes for our food and when it came I ate in less than ten minutes. On the other hand, Nico had barley touched his food.

I frowned internally but didn't say anything. The waitress came back and took our plates and walked off saying she'd be back with how much we owed for the food. When she came back she said our food was fifteen dollars. I payed and she handed me the receipt.

I didn't really want it so on the way out I threw it away, then stepped out into the crisp cool air.

Nico's POV
I could tell that waitress liked Percy, but him being the seaweed brain he is, didn't notice. When she handed us our receipt she also handed Percy another piece of folded paper within the other. Either Percy didn't notice or didn't care because on the way out he threw both of the papers away. I looked back and saw the waitress frowning. I smirked and walked out, literally bumping into Percy.

"Sorry" I said as he turned to face me. "Don't worry about It, where to?" He asked. I looked around and saw a pregnant women walking towards the little diner place we just ate at. She also had three kids with her. Percy saw her to because he held the door for her. She thanked him and walked in. I smiled internally.

"Come on death breath" Percy yelled and I looked up to see him halfway down the sidewalk. I guess I spaced out again, I jogged/ran to catch up to Percy. I finally fell into step with him. The walk was silent but the comfortable kind. We still had a long day ahead of us.

~~cue le' time skíp~~

Later that day we were sitting on a park bench. It was getting dark and the park was nearly empty, good time as any right? I decided I'd tell him here. After about twenty minutes of waiting I turned to Percy. I took a deep breath.

"Percy?" I said and he turned to face me. "Yea?" He asked. I looked down nervous then remembered I can do this. If it goes wrong I can shadow travel away and the curse will still leave, it it goes right let's just say cutfxtuiyfftdx.

"You remember the curse, and how I had to do something to lift it?" He nods. "Well, I'm ready to do what I have to do to lift it." I say.

He nods. "I l-like you Percy. More than a friend." Before he could say anything I held up my hand "More than a Mega best friend". It takes him a minute but then it registers and he doesn't say anything.

I'm about to leave when he kisses me. He kisses me! It takes a minute but I kiss back. When we pull away he has a big smile on his face "I like you to Nico."

He stands up and I do to, he then grabs my hand and we go back to camp. When we get there we slowly walk in and see everything is back to normal. We let out a breath.

"I'm going to go talk to Annabeth" Percy says and kisses my cheek before walking off.

Percy's POV

I walk towards the Athena cabin and knock. Annabeth answers "Hey!" She says smiling. I smile back "Hey, can we talk?" She nods and starts following me to the beach. "I erm- talked to Aphrodite, she said you like someone else.

Annabeth looked at me and nods. "Annabeth, if you want to be with him I don't mind. I kind of like someone else to." I say truthfully.

"Really?" I shake my head. "Do you think we should break up?" I ask. She looks back at me and nods. "I'll always love you, just in a different way" I tell her as we hug.

Right before she leaves I say something. "Annabeth?" She looks back "Yea?" I smile "Good luck" she smiles and leaves.
I walk out and find Nico I'm his cabin, I sit next to him. "How'd it go?" He ask looking at his feet. "Good, we broke up." At this he looks up.

"So Nico, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He blushes a little bit and I laugh finding it adorable "Yes" he says and I smile.

I finally got Nico, the one I love.


Sorry it took so long to update, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do. Anyway I will probably be putting up an Epilogue soon. I know its shorter but I had no ideas and wanted to update badly! I really didn't know how to end it so I just started writing and I actually like the ending. Enjoy and bye!


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