Chapter 4- Confronting Miss Louisiana

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I didn't sleep at all that night, I kept thinking until the sun rose. I looked at the clock and it was seven in the morning. I heard Miss Louisiana's footsteps, so I opened the door and got down stairs. Miss Louisiana looked at me as if she saw a ghost, she was shocked and I don't know why.

"Good Morning Aiden,"

"Good Morning Miss Louisiana,"

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Actually, I didn't sleep at all."

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about that coin the whole night."

"Why did you think about it?"

"I remembered seeing this coin somewhere but I don't remember where, so I kept thinking about where I saw it."

"And did you remember?"

"Actually, I did,"

"So, where did you see that coin?"

"That coin belongs to my dad,"

"What? That can't be true."

"Why can't it be true?"

"It's because Chris never told me that he had kids,"

"Well, now you know."

"Aiden, drop it."

"No Miss Louisiana, I won't. Tell me everything you know about my dad."

"Aiden, please close this subject,"

"Listen, I need your help, so please answer my question Miss Louisiana,"

"Fine, What do you want to know?"

"How did you meet him?"

"I met him right when I got here, I saw him sitting on the pavement. So I asked him if he knew what this place is."


"Then, we talked until we started knowing each other more, so we helped each other in finding what happened to us. After that we loved each other, and we promised each other that we won't leave one another."

"What did he tell you about his life?"

"He told me that his life was good until he got married, and that this woman that he married doesn't love him. So that's why he didn't have kids from her."

"What? He said that?"

"Yes, he did,"

"Ok, Did he tell you about how he got here?"

"He told me that one day he got back from work, he was so tired, and that he and your mother fought. So he was so angry, and he went to sleep, and that when he woke up he found himself here."

"What else did he tell you about my mother?"

"That's all I know about your mother."

"Thank you Miss Louisiana for answering my questions."

"You're most welcome Aiden. Now go and sleep, you're obviously tired."

"Yes, I am"

I went to my room, and I laid on my bed. I slept for hours without noticing. I woke up, I was so tired I felt like I slept for two days. I went down stairs looking for Miss Louisiana, but I didn't find her down stairs.

I kept calling her name, but there was no response, until I saw a note on the dining table. The note said that she will be sitting beside the old tree. I kept walking until I found the old tree that she sat beside.

"Good Morning Miss Louisiana,"

"Good Morning sweetie,"

"So, why are you sitting in here?"

"I just wanted to have some fresh air."

"Oh, good for you."

"Yeah, it is."

"Does this tree remind you of something?"

"Yes, it does. How did you know?"

"It's because of the way you look at this tree,"

"What way do you mean?"

"You look at this tree with love, and joy. Why do you look at it in such a way? What does it remind you of?"

"It reminds me of your dad, we used to sit here for hours and chat. He also disappeared beside this tree. So everything about this tree reminds me of him."

"I'm sorry Miss Louisiana,"

"Don't be Aiden."

"Listen, we will find my father and Emily."

"Who is Emily?"

"My girlfriend,"

"Oh, Aiden before you come I lost hope, but now you gave it back to me. Thank you Aiden for giving me this hope, and positivity."

"You're most welcome Miss Louisiana,"

"Alright then, let's keep going."

"Let's go,"

Miss Louisiana and I kept walking, but we didn't find anything. We continued walking until it suddenly became dark.

"What the hell? How did it darken suddenly? It's morning."

"Aiden, It's getting too dark in here we should probably get back to the house."

"Wait, what's that?" I said while pointing at a white spot in the middle of the dark.

"I don't know, but you can't go there,"

"I need to go Miss Louisiana, maybe i'll find Emily there."

"No Aiden, this may be a trick."

"Trust me Miss Louisiana, I will take care."

I walked until I finally got to the white spot, the light was to bright that I couldn't see anything. I walked into the white spot, and I found blood on the ground.

"Miss Louisiana, Miss Louisiana" I shouted

Miss Louisiana ran as quickly as she could to come to see what's wrong.

"What's wrong Aiden?"

"Look at the ground,"

"Oh my god Aiden, we should get out of here now."

"No Miss Louisiana, I must find out who's blood is this."

"Aiden sweetie, don't get yourself into troubles just get out of here,"

"Miss Louisiana, you need to leave, I can take care of myself don't worry."

"No Aiden, I'm not leaving you here alone."

"Trust me Miss Louisiana nothing bad will happen to me,"

"Aiden, please come with me let's go back."

"Miss Louisiana, please leave,"

"Aiden, you're making a huge mistake."

"Trust me I'm not, just leave me alone."

"Ok Aiden, take care of yourself."

Miss Louisiana left the place, but I knew that she was so worried about me. I followed the blood flow, but it didn't come to an end. I continued on following the blood until I finally saw a girl laying on the ground covered with blood. Her hair covered her face, so I couldn't identify who this girl is.

I got closer and closer, until I was close enough to move her hair from her face. I moved her hair away from her face, but it was dark so I couldn't see her face clearly. Suddenly, the sky shone and a bright light came on the girl's face. I couldn't believe what I saw, I saw Emily's face staring right at me.

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