Chapter 13- Escaping From The Butchers

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Aviana jumped on him, and she hit him on his head. He dropped the gun on the ground, then the other guy pushed me away from the gun. He kept punching me, until Aviana held the gun from the ground and pointed it at him.

"Leave him."  said Aviana.

"Oh, calm down girl." said one of the men.

Aviana shot his leg, and stared at him with evilness.

"That's for calling me a girl." said Aviana.

"Ahhh, are you crazy?" asked one of the men while moaning from the pain.

"Well, that depends on the person, but in this case yes I am." Aviana answered.

"C'mon Aiden, let's go."

"Let's get out of here." I said.

I took Aviana's hand and we ran out of that place. We kept running, until we found an empty space that we can relax in it.

"Let's rest here," I said while pointing at the empty space.

"It looks scary, but we don't have any other place to rest in so okay."

We entered this old scary haunted empty parking. It was so old that there are spider webs almost everywhere. We weren't comfortable resting in this place, but we didn't have any other choice.

"Aiden, this place is so dark and scary." Aviana said while looking around.

"I know, but it's better than walking in the streets." I said.

"I don't know how I'm gonna sleep in here."

"Do you know how far from here is the town you told me about?"

"I think we went in the opposite direction."


"Aiden, if we stay in this place they're gonna find us, we didn't walk too far away from them. It's not safe here."

"Don't worry, they won't find us in here."

"I'm not convinced,"

"Aviana, will you please stop worrying too much?"

"Aiden, we're in danger, how do you want me not to be worried?"

"We're not."

"I'm not responsible for anything that may happen to us."

"You just said 'may', life is all about taking risks."

"Let's just sleep."

"As you wish."

Aviana and I laid on the ground, and we both slept at the exact same moment. I opened my eyes, I saw blurry things. I did't understand what it was, until I recalled what Aviana said yesterday.

"Aviana, Aviana?" I shouted.

I ran out of the old parking, and I saw bloody footprints on the street. I kept following those footprints, until I realized that it got me back to that old factory that we were tied in. I sneaked into the back of the factory, and I hid behind a huge old barrel. 

I looked secretly at what was going on, and I saw Aviana tied into that tall pipe that she was tied into before, and they were punching her in her face. But why did they take Aviana and they left me? All I know is that I must save her from these dangerous people. 

I smelled a smell, but I didn't what it it was. When I followed that smell, I realized that the smell came from the barrels. When I looked into one of the barrels, I realized that this is the smell of a flammable liquid. Will they use this liquid to burn Aviana? What are they going to do with it? 

When I looked through the place I found that there was a fire extinguisher on the right corner of the place. I had a plan in my head, but there was something missing from it. If I'm going to do this plan, I need a lighter. 

I kept searching for a lighter in this huge place, until I realized that there was a kitchen right behind me. I entered that kitchen secretly, I searched for a lighter, and I finally found it. I took the lighter and I got out of that kitchen. 

Now, all I have to do is bring the plan to life. 1..2..3, I pushed the barrel that was in front of me, and it fell on the ground. The flammable liquid that was inside it covered the floor.

"That's Aiden, I just saw him." one of the men shouted.

"Get him." the other men shouted.

 They kept running after me, but I went to get the fire extinguisher. I got the fire extinguisher, and I squeezed it, and the whole place was covered with smoke. I punched two of the men in the face, then I went and I untied Aviana.

"Let's go, we have to move." I told Aviana.

"Aiden, you must run, they won't leave me alone."

"I won't leave this place without you, c'mon let's go."

Aviana and I ran out of that place, but before we leave I stared at Aviana closely.

"Aviana wait for me here."

"Where are you going?"

"We need to get rid of them."

"No Aiden, leave them alone."

"Wait me here."

"Okay, take care."

"I will,"

I entered that place, and I took the lighter out of my pocket, but before I set the place on fire I looked at them.

"Goodbye, bastards." I told them.

"No, Aiden please don't do this." they shouted with fear.

I dropped the lighter on the ground and the whole place burned down. I ran out of the place as fast as I could, and I walked away with victory in my eyes.

"Aiden, thank god you're still alive." Aviana said while hugging me.

"Aviana, relax I told you that we will get rid of them."

"I was worried about you."

"I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you in the first place. We should have got out of that place."

"It's okay Aiden,"

"Let's keep walking, where should we go left or right?"

"When we went to that creepy place we went left, so we must go right this time."

"Alright, let's go."

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