Returning The Favor

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Erwin's POV

We arrive to my office and Levi enters my room as well and I lay her down, "Levi, you told us about your past so easily, are you alright?"

"Yeah, it was for the best that you know, and it's something that has been weighing me down for a while."

"Levi...Thank you, for aiding me in this rescue, without you I would of most likely failed and I didn't order you to."

"It wasn't just for you, she is a valuable addition to this squad, she gives everyone hope when all seems lost, and she is one of the few that I could call a friend...So treat her wounds so she can heal quickly Erwin, later."

I nodded as he left locking the door behind him. I go to the washroom and get clean cloths and medication. I set up a work station and take my coat off of her and leave her in her underwear. My features cringe and sadden at her wounds on her stomach and inner thighs. I dab some medication on a cloth and dab on the cuts on her stomach. She jumps slightly and opens her eyes.

"Erwin, why are we in your office. I thought I was going to my office?"

"Like I could just leave you there after this, now hold still."

She sits up, "I can clean up in the shower, what about your sheets, I don't want them getting dirty."

"[F/N], that's the last thing on my mind, now lay back down and let me tend to your wounds."

"B-But...aren't you disgusted?"

I heard the words that I knew where coming, I look at [F/N] and she looked hurt, so fragile, afraid at what I think about this. I climb on the bed beside her and I wipe her tears and kiss each cheek then her lips.

"[F/N]...You're beautiful, please let me take care of you?"

She nods a little flushed since her state of dress is revealing, but I need to examine her wounds. As I continue she winces in pain and I continue to say 'sorry' but I can't help but stare at the marks that that man made on my [F/N]. The small and larger hickeys that should of been made by me. My face twists in anger and she notices.

"Erwin...are you okay, Is it that bad?"

"'s not that...I really want to kill that man for hurting you."

I finish cleaning her wounds on her stomach, "[F/N], could your legs for me, so I can clean the wounds on your inner thighs?"

She nods and obliges a little hesitant, due to the pain. Some are pretty deep, no need for stitching but I'm sure that it will be sore for a while.



"Thank you."

I look up and she is giving me a sad smile, I smile back kissing her knee, "I'll always be here for you, I love you."

"I love you too Erwin..Ngh ouch."

"Sorry again."

"You keep saying that."

"I mean it, I really...I really am sorry." 

"It's okay, we'll get through this."

My eyes widen but immediately soften, "That's my line."

I finish sanitizing her wounds and I help her up to get her in the shower, "I'll wait outside, if you need anything just say so."

She takes my hand and we lock gazes, "Erwin... shower with me?"

" Okay."

I get undressed and help her rid her last piece of clothing, she shuddered in response making me kind of nervous. We enter the shower and I help wash her back. As I clean her she starts to make a few noises that sounded almost erotic.

"Are you okay?"

"mmhm, keep going."

I continued even though it made me even more nervous. Her voice hitched as she turned around and hugged my chest.

"[F-F/N] you alright?"



"My's so hot, have to do something."

My eyes widen, "[F/N], did Kenny give you some drug?"

She nods, "Sorry, it's disgusting but I can't get relief, I feel so weak and vulnerable. Please Erwin, make me yours, I need you."

I hold her against my chest, "[F/N], I can't do that, not when you are drugged and in this state of mind."

"Please..give me some kind of relief..I can't, I barely have the strength to stand."

I nod and sigh in defeat sitting down in the shower chair and take her into my lap, her back against my chest.

"Are you sure, I don't want you wounds hurting."

"You're so warm Erwin, touch me."

I sigh knowing that she isn't in her right mind at the moment, but I can do this much. I cup her left breast earning a moan from [F/N], I run my fingers down her side and rub her hip in comfort as she wriggles on my lap begging for more. She takes my hand and leads it to her womanhood, moaning as my hand makes contact. As her head rests on my right shoulder she wraps her left arm around my neck to reach behind my head to grip my hair slightly. She pulled me into a kiss so I start rubbing the inside of her folds making her jump. I mumble 'it's okay' in her mouth as we continue kissing. I then thrust in my middle finger making her buck slightly and her other hand grips my hip as she moans in my mouth. We break the kiss and I pepper kisses up and down her neck, she is so beautiful. I wish that things would be different but under these circumstances I really didn't have a choice. I continue by thrusting another finger and she lets out a yelp.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah ngh..kee-keep going Erwin...more."

As I continue she starts getting more vocal, letting some embarrassing words reach my ears,

"E-Erwin, you're so hot, you feel as good as I had imagined, I love the way your fingers feel inside me. I bet your cock would feel even better inside me."

I stiffen and my lower region starts to twitch at her moans for me. I can't actually have sex with her yet but I suppose I can dirty talk, but it's kind of embarrassing. I whisper huskily in against her neck to have it vibrate in her ear.

"[F/N], your insides are so warm, I just want to pound my fingers in here, you'd like that wouldn't you my love?"

"Y-Yes Erwin, you're making me go crazy ngha."

"Are you close."

She is a moaning mess and she begins to tighten around my fingers, "Yes..I'm close, I love you Erwin."

"I love you too [F/N], now my dear...cum for me."

She moans out her climax with her body tightening and her grip on me tightening as well. As she relaxes I kiss her cheek then her lips before I get up and clean her. I dress the both of us, her in my shirt and me in boxers. As I take her and lay her down her features seem to look more like her as she smiles up at me and leads me to lay by her side. I have her back by my side, and I will never let her go.

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