Start A Life

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I awoke to a pain filled jolt, my body aches....ugh. I turn over to find no Erwin, he must be in his office. I go to the shower and start to run the water until I hear footsteps rushing to the bathroom and the door opens harshly to reveal a worried Erwin.

"[F-F/N], how is your body, you should of called for me, I would of-"

"It's okay Erwin, it aches a lot but I can manage."

Erwin scowls and starts to undress himself, "Wha-What are you doing?"

Once he undresses he takes off my night-robe revealing my bare self, he then pushes me onto the running water, which was now warm thankfully. Erwin begins looking up and down my body so I cover myself but Erwin puts his hand on the back of my neck to run his fingers tenderly through my hair, sending shivers through my body. He leads me pushing my back against the tiles, making me hiss and arch my back, to have him push his strong body against mine and kiss me feverously. His tongue pushes past my teeth and he groans into my mouth and starts running his fingers down my back. He breaks the kiss and kisses down my neck to my chest, then proceeds lower until he lowers himself to his knees, hugging my waist and rests his head on my stomach. I hear a sudden quiet sob.

"Erwin...are you okay, what's wrong?"

He hugs me tighter, but not enough to hurt me, and still rests his head at my stomach as if he's listening for something.

"I want children with you [F/N], I want a family with you, I want a life with you, I just, I love you so much."

He gets up and kisses me again whispering 'so much' in-between breaths. I begin to tear up a little, I wanted the same for us, to be happy together, to start a family. I smile and kiss him again before we part. After our shower he gets dressed and I wear simple loose fitting clothes since I was still made to stay in his room. I figure he's getting ready to leave but he sits at his desk, confusing me.

"Aren't you busy today?"

"N-No, I-I"


"I took that day off."

"So you're spending a day off here?"

He cocks a brow, "Are you disappointed that I'm not leaving?"

I stutter, "N-No, I'm just surprised and it was unexpected, you never take a day off, even when they make you go relax, you find something to do."

He sticks out his pointer finger and then curls it, motioning me to come here. I walk to his side to the desk and then he pats his lap, I blush since I'm only in a loose fitting shirt and underwear but I sit on his lap to hiss a little since my wounds hurt slightly. He brushes his hips forward and I blush as I suddenly could feel his erection through his pants.


"I want to spend every waking moment with you, I'm sure you're still sore, but I want to be inside you. I feel as if every time you are near me it's as if I am in a dream. I'm so afraid of losing you [F/N]."

I turn around in the chair to where my chest is against his and I kiss him shakily, my hands were shaky as well.

"Wh-What-er- where do you want to do it?"

He takes my hand and notices the shaking, and his face fills with worry.

"Sorry, are you alright"

I nod, "Y-Yeah, it's just when I'm even hear your voice, everything gets all muddled up and I can't think straight, I-I want the same thing that you do Erwin, I want to start a life with you."

Love Commands: Erwin X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now