Understand Me

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"Lelouch? What's this?" Asked (Y/N), turning around to face Lelouch, her face shocked as she held his mask.
Lelouch's face was slightly pained as he took it from her, catching her other hand and rubbing it with his thumb, trying to calm her down.
It usually worked, except for that day. "Why? Why would you do this? Become Zero?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes wide as she sat down on his bed, Him following her.

His arm hooked around her shoulders, bringing her sideways. "Shh.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry for doing so (Y/N). But the world out there needs to be changed."

"For the better or for the worst?" Asked (Y/N), for once her tone was angry.
"For the better. I want a world were we can both live in peace."

"Everything is fine the way it is.... We don't need this Lelouch."
"I needed to (Y/ N). You just don't get it yet. A life with no changes can't be called life. You can only call it experience."

Lelouch's eyes opened to see that (Y/N) had snuck into his bed again, like she used to do.
Since she was here, there'd most likely been a thunderstorm. After all these years, she still was scared of it.

How naive she was, thinking she'd be safe here. Lelouch reached out, inches from her face. He could do anything right now, she was so close to him....
"Morning Lelouch." (Y/N) happily and sleepily, opening her eyes, looking slightly puzzled at seeing his hand extended inches from her.
Lelouch pulled his hand back, forcing a smile. "Morning (Y/N). Let me guess... there was a thunderstorm last night?"
She nodded, yawning widely, turning over and trying to reach the blinds to open them.

Lelouch grabbed her wrist suddenly, making her gasp. "No... not yet. It's only seven."
"You should get up early." Said (Y/N) pouting, but then getting pulled back down onto the bed with him.
Lelouch couldn't stop himself as his arms looped around her, bringing her in for a close hug.
"Lelouch?" She questioned, his black hair tickling her nose.

"Good night."
"...Good night."


(Y/N) woke up again once more at nine, feeling slightly chilly without Lelouch around.
The covers rustled as she swung her feet out of the bed and touched the floor.
"Lelouch?" (Y/N) asked, now walking to the door way.

He walked out of the large changing room, his hands grasping the edge of his Zero helmet.
"What?" Lelouch for once looked worried, walking to her, his eyes intense.
"N-Nothing... I was just wodering where you went. Why do you have this on?" She asked, her fingers touching his ascot, tugging it slightly.

"...Just trying it on, for old times sake. I always wear that stuffy white emperor outfit you know... It was nice wearing this." He said, a small smile coming to his lips and he turned away from her and headed back into the changing room.

"...Can I try it on?"
"What?" Lelouch asked, staring down at her, feeling slightly shocked by her answer.
"You get to wear it all the time!" (Y/N) said, snatching the helmet from him. Lelouch smirked, taking off his cloak and draping it around her shoulders.
"I'll be back. then you can try it on."


After a few minutes, (Y/N) got it on, marveling at herself as she looked at her reflection.
"It really is comfy." She giggled loudly, putting on the helmet as well.
Lelouch grasped her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror as well.

"You should wear it more."
"What? No way."

"You wear it better than me."

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