Chapter 9

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Lottie tucked her foot beneath her as she sat quietly on Anna's couch, using the arm to prop her head up in her hand. She could hear Cassie and T.J. playing upstairs in his bedroom, and Anna was busying herself by making them each a cup of tea.

Lottie's eyes felt sore and swollen from all the crying she had done the night before. She was barely holding it together now as she thought back to Coop's words when he had come home.

"It's what I want." He'd said the words and Lottie had immediately known it was over. That she had lost her chance of reversing what she herself had already set in motion. Coop didn't want to be with her anymore. He wanted out. And she had no one but herself to blame.

Suddenly, Anna appeared beside her and held out a cup. "Careful," she warned, "it's really hot."

Lottie nodded.

Anna sat down and turned sideways in her seat so she could face her. "So what happened?" she asked. "You've barely said a word since you got here. Surely this can't all be from the fight last night? What happened when Coop came home?"

Lottie's eyes welled up once more with unbidden tears, and she blinked furiously to hold them back.

"Lottie?" Anna sat her cup on the coffee table and reached for Lottie's before putting it down next to hers.

She scooted over and took Lottie's hand in her own, and Lottie responded by dropping her head on Anna's shoulder and allowing the tears to fall.

"I've messed up so bad," Lottie cried.

Anna reached up and smoothed down Lottie's soft curls. "It's okay," she said soothingly. "What are you talking about? What happened last night?"

Lottie sniffed once before raising her head to look into Anna's dark brown eyes.

"He's done. He said he's going to move out after the new year, but that he wants to give Cassie a good Christmas first." Lottie's breath hitched as she tried not to break down again. "Anna, I pushed him too far. This is all my fault and I've lost him."

"No," Anna assured her. "Lottie, Coop loves you. I know it's hard to see right now, but he does—"

Lottie shook her head. "You don't understand, Anna. He said it's what he wants. And I'm a terrible person because it took him realizing that for me to realize how much I still love him. He wants to leave now and I don't! Don't you see how awful it is?!"

"All I see is answered prayers, Lottie," Anna said. She turned away from her and grabbed the box of tissues from where they sat on an end table before pulling a few out and pressing them into Lottie's palm. "If you love Coop and want to stay with him, you need to tell him! I guarantee you he doesn't really want this divorce anymore than you do."

But Lottie wasn't looking at her anymore. She was too busy trying to pull herself together. "What if you're wrong?" she gasped out. "What if he's had enough?"

"What if I'm right?" Anna asked. "When Wes came home last night, he said Coop seemed so upset about your fight. He felt terrible about it. That doesn't sound like someone who's given up."

"Then why would he say all those things? He wouldn't even look at me, and he said we should put on a show. He's probably afraid if the town sees us separated, then they won't help save the store anymore." As soon as the words left Lottie's mouth, she regretted them.

Anna narrowed her eyes a bit. "That is not true, and we both know it. Coop has never cared what anyone thinks of him. He said he wanted to give Cassie a good Christmas, right? If he said show, he probably meant it for her. So she wouldn't see you two fighting all the time."

I Choose Us: Book 2 in the Crossing Midian Series - A Christian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now