Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I'm off to Zayn's house. Nix is staying behind she still feels sick. Plus it's just us guys anyways.

I'm hoping that Zayn doesn't ask about my knee. I was supposed to get checked when we got back from the states, which I did. But he'll be less than pleased that it might have more damage.


At Zayn's house

We were all having good time telling stories, talking about the upcoming tour. I was really excited I love playing the guitar on tour. It just makes me feel at home.

We've moved the party outside well it's not much of a party it's the 5 of us and Josh. We had started a fire and we were reminiscing on how it used to be.

We've always been close and it's nice to be able to talk about our relationships with each other. Since no one else know about the spankings. Plus Zayn and Louis always want to know because they want to make sure we treat our girlfriends fairly and if they think we didn't we get double what we gave them. I haven't had to experience that yet: but one time Harry spanked Christina for pranking him and he peed his pants because she scared the shit out of him. He was having a really off day and that set him off. But she went crying to Eleanor and when Louis heard what happened he tore his ass up. The reason I know this is because I went to Harry's to return a t-shirt I took the last time I slept over and when I walked in I saw Harry bare bummed and over Louis's knee and he was putting icy hot on his ass. That stuff burns like a bitch. I was going to hug him thinking his punishment was over but Louis put his hand up signaling for me stop. Then he pulled Harry up with his bottom still bare and took him to a corner and told me leave. I did. But that stayed with me till now.

Anyway we're all discussing what we had been up to since it'd been a couple days. I was talking to Josh and he was talking about Brigit and how she had gotten hurt rock climbing. He feels like he has his hands tied behind his back because he can't spank her for being adventurous and clumsy. He spanks her when she lies about injuries. Which reminds me, "Josh I wanted to ask you did Bridget ever tell you about Nix being sick?" " when you told me I told her and she said she had no clue. Why?" "She went to the doctor and she couldn't have driven herself and you know they are super close." "I don't know. I'll ask her but at this point what does it matter. You can't punish her again, double jeopardy." "True but if she did know and she didn't tell you to tell me I'd be upset. We had two back to back days off maybe I could have come back and made sure she got to the doctors sooner and it wouldn't have gotten to the point it is now." I said rubbing my face. He patted my back, "Do you really think that management would have let you?" he chuckled. "Probably not. I could have tried." I said desperately. "Don't be so hard on yourself." that wasn't Josh that was Zayn. "Josh is right at this point it doesn't matter if Bridget knew, you can't spank Nix again unless you want your arse blistered. Josh could spank Brigit if she knew because she said she didn't but its pointless now." I blushed knowing that if he'd ask about my knee he would be doing exactly that.

Thankfully he hasn't asked all night.

It was getting late and Louis was the first to leave, then Josh, Harry, and last was Liam. It was just Zayn and I.

"I know." was all Zayn said when we were alone. "What?" I asked dumbfounded. "I know." "How?" "I'm listed as one of your contacts if they can't get a hold of you. So why do you have an appointment for a MRI?" I sighed I'm not getting out of this,"When Dr. Raptor was over for Nix he asked if he could check my knee. So I let him and he said that Imighthavemoredamagetomyknee." is said the last part quickly. "I see. What did I say would happen if you didn't take care of your knee?" he said calmly but sternly. Man I hated when he goes all authoritative on me. "Zayn it's going to keep getting worse until I have the surgery." "I know that, but you do things that aren't good for your knee. It's careless and I warned you. Now what. did. I. say? he put emphasis on each word. Damn. "You said you would spank me." I was staring at my shoes. He grabbed my wrist and started leading my toward his spare bedroom. I might be 19 but that doesn't mean I can't beg. "Please don't spank me. I swear I'll be more careful." "That's good because that means that I won't have to repeat this." He sat down on the bed. he motioned me over to him. I hesitated but I went over to him. It's been a week since my last spanking. He pulled my jeans down and guided me over his lap. He started laying down the smacks. It stings right out of the gate he has a strong hand. I'm trying not to squirm but I cant help it. He spanks all of my bum and sit spots about 30 times. I thought he was done I was crying softly. I tried to get up but he put his hand on the middle of my back and said,"That was just the warm up now for your actual punishment." Shit. He pulled down my boxers and he picked up the hair brush. "You're getting 25 with the hair brush then all done ok?" I nodded. He started bringing down the brush mercilessly. Then he started to lecture. "You know that we only want what's best for you. We don't want your knee to be so damaged than it can't heal properly. You need to be more careful. Understood?" "YES SIR!" I cried out. The sting was unbearable I kept shifting to see if that would help but it didn't. I felt him shift me over his knee and I knew. He started on my sit spots and I was bawling. He landed the final spank in the middle of my butt. He then pulled me on to his lap at started to rock me back and forth while I cried into his shirt. I finally calmed down and I was just sniffling now. I was tired but I needed to get back home to be with Nix it was already 11. "I love you Niall." "Love you too Zayn. I should get going. Need to take care of Nix." I said yawning and standing up. He grabbed my wrist,"You're staying here tonight. When Josh left I told him to have Bridget stay with Nix because you were going to be sleepy. We can't have you driving like that." "But..." "No buts you're staying here now go to bed."

A/N OK I'm sorry I took so long to update. You should all thank DemiBarnes becasue she is the reason I updated. I hope you enjoyed and please vote comment and fan! :D

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