chapter twelve

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[ chapter twelve ; ]

They caught up with Claire in her giant van when they finally reached a road. Wanda vaguely heard Owen shout something that sounded like, "Follow me!" before they sped up and were ahead of the van.

While they sped on toward the inner part of the park, Wanda did a quick check on the boys in the back of the van. Surprisingly, they were both happy -- invigorated, honestly. Apparently they'd helped get raptors off their aunt's tail as she drove, which was enough to get their hearts pumping. Their excited thoughts brought a smile to Wanda's face, and after she was ensured they were fine, she checked on Claire.

Claire was slightly panicked, but holding up rather well. Wanda was impressed.

Owen was focused on getting them to wherever the evacuation building was. Then he and Wanda would go after Indominus; that was the plan in his head.

Except that wasn't exactly how things worked out.

Because as they got out or off of each of their respective vehicles, Claire was clutching at his arm, and giving him a pleading look; "Owen, the science lab--" 

"Is probably abandoned," he finished for her, giving her a befuddled look. "What could you possibly want there--?"

"To see what the Indominus is made of," Claire persisted. 

"You do not think Dr. Wu will have evacuated?" Wanda asked, giving Claire a perplexed look.

"No," Claire shook her head quickly. "Well, maybe, just-- I think he's been working for the other side of InGen. It would make sense about why he didn't consult with Mr. Masrani over the Indominus' creation."

Understanding dawned on both Wanda and Owen then, and they exchanged familiar looks. "They'd have cleared out the lab," Owen breathed.

Wanda nodded vigorously. "She is right, we need to check out the lab. See if they really did take everything-- it is all very expensive, and if it is used for what Hoskins had planned . . ."

Grim determination became evident on Owen's features, and he gave a short nod. "All right, let's go. Besides . . . it's the fastest way through to main street, anyway," he muttered. "Let's go."

"We're going to the lab where the dinosaurs were made?" Gray asked, tugging on Wanda's sleeve as she ushered he and his brother after Claire and Owen.

"We are," Wanda agreed, giving him a small smile as they rushed into the building. It faded quickly, though; she could feel the thought processes of men who were doing nothing more than following orders. "And it would appear Owen's theory was correct," she mused, as Gray slipped his hand into hers. She gave it a reassuring squeeze and glanced over at Zach to assure herself he was still there. They continued to follow Claire and Owen as the other two rushed through the facility.

"What are you doing?" Claire demanded loudly. The men ignored her. "You can't just take those!" she said louder, and this time, she received an answer.

But not from one of them.

Hoskins emerged from who-knew-where. "Yeah, we can," he said, waving the men off as they finished packing things into briefcases. 

Gray piped up then, his eyes glued to one still-growing screen. "That's not a real dinosaur," he said, so quietly Wanda didn't think anyone else would catch it.

Hoskins turned to him, though, and focused on him for a split second. "It's not," he agreed. "But it will be." He turned toward Owen then; "Imagine one of those, but smaller. Those instincts, the genetic programming that can evade even the most advanced technologies . . ."

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