chapter thirteen

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[ chapter thirteen ; ]

"Lowery! I need you to open paddock 9!" Claire demanded of the man on the other end of the phone.

Wanda watched as the director of Jurassic World stared up at the nearest security camera, determination evident in her eyes. In that moment, she decided Claire Dearing had been underestimated in her intentions for the park.

"Just do it!" Claire shouted then, before hanging up and nodding at the camera. She looked over at Wanda then. "Remember what I told you, she--"

"Is attracted to red," Wanda finished with a firm nod. "Yes, I understand."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Claire asked as the paddock began to open. She didn't falter in her stance beside Wanda, studying the other's face.

"Yes," Wanda agreed. "I will be fine. You should probably go," she urged, one hand lighting with her familiar red glow.

Claire nodded then, and ran off without hesitation, leaving Wanda to face what paddock 9 held.

She watched as glowing eyes became a huge form, a giant head with a matching mouth, lined with teeth like steak knives. She could feel the adrenaline dumping itself into her system as the Tyrannosaurus Rex approached her, and suddenly the red energy on one hand became red on both, and she launched herself into the air and away from the Rex, right as it let out a low growl and began to pursue her.

Flying now, she rushed back toward where the Indominus was, right as it was withdrawing from a building with Owen and the boys. She heard Claire shout "RUN!" as she rushed at the Indominus, the Rex hot on her tail.

Wanda threw a ball of energy at the Indominus, intended to harm, but also to draw the attention of the Rex toward it. Then she dropped to the ground and extinguished all energy from her form, drawing in on herself as the Rex passed at rushed at the Indominus with a mighty roar.

The Indominus roared in response, and the two predators began to battle each other, a clash of teeth and biting and ear-splitting roars.

"Wanda!" Owen called as the hero began to get to her feet, right as the Indominus got the Rex's neck in her jaws. She glanced over at Owen but waved him back, because she could sense a familiar thought process approaching.

A loud cawing sound rang through the area, and Wanda watched Owen's head jerk toward it. She could see the pride in his eyes as Blue rushed through the street, and lunged at the Indominus. Blue may not have been able to cause heavy damage, but she could sure function as a distraction . . . and that's exactly what she did.

The Rex got back to her feet, and lunged at the Indominus again.

This time, Wanda ran out of the way of the fighting, though her eyes remained red as she joined the others and watched the unfolding fight.

"That was your idea?" Zach asked his aunt, awe in his voice.

"Uh huh," Claire said with a proud smile.

"Wow," Gray whispered. "It looks like they're winning."

"Yeah, well, that's not to say they won't eat us when they're done," Owen muttered. "Or even that they will actually win."

Wanda scoffed and batted at his shoulder.

He looked over at her then, and his brow scrunched in confusion; "Your eyes are still red."

"They are," she agreed calmly, not bothering to look over at him.

"Why is that?" he asked, concern beginning to creep back into him as he realized she wasn't looking away from the brawl before them. He checked all three of the dinosaurs when she didn't answer, and didn't see any weird red hue to any of their eyes . . .

"You shall see," Wanda said then, and at that exact moment a wide, toothy smile began to spread across her features, igniting her face.

Owen opened his mouth and was about to ask what that was supposed to mean, when he realized the fight was moving really close to the water. He stayed silent and continued to watch . . . when there was a huge explosion out of the water, and the mosasaur clamped it's mighty jaws around the Indominus and wrenched it into her territory, diving underwater with it before it could put up any fight.

"Whoa," Gray and Zach whispered simultaneously.

Owen turned over to Wanda with an astonished expression on his face. "Did you do that?" he asked her as Claire began to urge the boys back further into the buildings.

"Perhaps," Wanda smiled mischievously, her eyes only then returning to normal. She watched carefully as the Rex began to march away, evidently not interested in any of them after claiming it's rightful place as king of the park. She nodded past him then, "You have a friend."

Owen straightened and stepped out from hiding when he saw Blue approaching him. The beta hesitated, cocking it's head to the side and letting out a shrill chirp, as if in question. Owen shook his head then, sensing her wondering, and Blue didn't make another sound . . . instead she bypassed him, and ran off.

Wanda moved to his side as he watched the last member of his raptor pack running off. She reached for his hand, and squeezed it tightly before their fingers intertwined. "I believe that she will be fine," she said quietly.

He nodded slowly. "Yeah . . . you're probably right."

She smiled up at him. "It is a gift of mine."

"And here I thought that was the mind reading," he teased.

"Well, that too," she chuckled. Then she nodded toward Claire and the boys, who were approaching them; "You should know that I have my own special evac coming for us," she called, loud enough to be heard by the other three.

Claire gave her a skeptical look. "There are boats coming at first light, we don't need special attention . . ."

"It'd be cool though," Zach muttered, and Gray nodded rapidly beside him.

Wanda smiled sweetly at all of them, even as Owen joined in their perplexed looks. "Believe me," she said, "this way is better. Besides, there is someone who wishes to speak to you, Miss Dearing."

Claire smiled, seeming the most relaxed she'd been since Wanda had met her. She chuckled to herself, "I think we both know you can call me Claire."

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