Chapter 1: Bad Luck Charli

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So, how do you get in trouble on your first day of school? Oh, I know. Show up late on your junior assembly. Yep, I totally aced it.

"Ms. Hayden," Mrs. Marano, our school guidance counselor said, her slender fingers tapping on her folded arms. That movement alone was enough indication that I was doomed. I swallowed nervously. "Don't we have a rule about promptness? Especially on important assemblies like this?"

I fidgeted with the sleeve of my flannel, unable to meet her gaze without wanting to run and crawl in a rabbit hole and die. She just has that effect on me. "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Marano. I swear I didn't mean to. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, the bus I rode -"

"Enough with the excuses," she interrupted, not letting me finish with my explanation. Rude, much? "See me after school in detention."

Upon hearing that, my eyebrows instantly shot up to my forehead. Detention, really? "But Mrs. Marano, I can't -"

"No buts, Ms. Hayden." She adjusted her eyeglasses, her gaze on me unwavering. "You should know that I don't tolerate tardiness. Regardless the odds. Understand?"

I pursed my lips in dismay and begrudgingly nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Marano."

She motioned for me to get inside the auditorium so I did, albeit petulantly. I seriously didn't expect to have detention on my first day of school. But then again, she's Mrs. Marano. Cold, heartless, evil bespectacled twin of the wicked witch of the west. She showed no mercy.

"Hey, you're here," my friend Grace piped up as I plopped down on the seat she clearly saved for me. "What's with the long face?"

"Evil Witch sent me to after-class detention. Can you believe that?" I muttered in disbelief. "I was only five minutes late for Pete's sake!"

"You know how she is," Grace said.

I shook my head. "I know. That woman needs to chill."

Still annoyed, I directed my focus to the stage located at the front of the room where Principal Spencer and the rest of the junior class faculty were seating. A few minutes later, the principal stood from his seat and went to his place by the podium, a wide smile spread across his face.

"Hello my dear students," the rather plump man greeted, his lips stretched into an awfully bright smile. It was one of the few things that made him a majority favorite. Unlike meanie Mrs. Marano. "Welcome to another year here at John Smithson High."

Everyone murmured approvingly.

"As you can see, we have a new building under construction. It's a donation from the lovely people from CH Holdings. Bless those folks."

Everyone clapped their hands with occasional howls here and there.

"That's a company under the C&C group right?" Grace asked me.

I shrugged. "Guess so."

"Those people must be filthy rich," she mumbled in awe.

I shrugged again. "Guess so."

After Principal Spencer was done with his speech - aka the same old stuff he talked about for the last couple of years - we were instructed to proceed to our next period classes.

Luckily, Grace and I had almost-matching classes, keyword being almost, so we had lunch and morning classes together. We headed down the hallway, into Economics class, and instantly entered the now-filled room.

"I really hope it's Mr. McGregor, my brother says he's really nice," Grace told me as we took our seats at the back. "Besides, I want to enjoy Econ as much as possible because I'm planning of taking it up for college. That is, if I ever get into college."

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