Chapter 4: The Mystery That Was Cameron Fray Pt. 1

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I was beginning to think that the universe hated me. Here I was, strapped against the seat of my brother's car, practically yelling at him to drive faster because I was late. Again.

Although this time, I had no school bus to blame. I was stupid enough to sleep late the night before because I just had to watch Teen Wolf reruns on a Sunday night. Really, really stupid.

"Do you have a death wish?" Cole yelled back at me. "We're already driving  way beyond the speed limit!"

I scratched my head, resting against the soft leather seat. "I'm sorry, okay? It's just that I can't be late! You heard what Mom said. One more trouble and I'm back to Wentworth."

"Your problem, not mine," he grumbled.

"Very supportive," I muttered in response.

To my delight, the road leading to Smithson finally came into view after a few minutes. Cole pulled over the curb, and I immediately dashed outside, wasting no time.

It was only when I saw the curious and rather intrigued looks the other kids were giving me when I realized what I just did. Their eyes flickered to Cole's hot Porsche and to me, and back to the car again.

Of course. Nobody in this school drove a car like this one (nor could afford to actually buy one) so it was somehow expected that we would be getting  this kind of reaction. Ducking my head, I ignored all the stares and instead made a run inside the building in hopes of making it to my class in time.

Let's just save the interrogation for later.

"Hey," Grace chirped after I practically collapsed against my desk. "You look awful."

"Thanks," I mumbled. I looked around the room and noticed for the first time that the teacher wasn't around. "Where's Mr. McGregor?"

"The principal's secretary went here earlier and said he called in sick," Grace explained. "There were no available substitute teachers so they cancelled the class instead."

What? I basically just endangered mine and my brother's life just so I could get here immediately and they're just gonna tell me that they cancelled our class?

It's confirmed. The universe really did hate me.

"And I thought I was late," I groaned.

Grace only patted my back. "Well, you're not. So just be happy about it."

Yeah, right.

I leaned my back against the metal seat and contemplated texting Cole an apology text message for dragging him into my misfortune but eventually decided against it. I figured I'll just buy him a new pair of shoes later. Or Mayday Parade's new CD. Either way, I'm sure it'll suffice.

My thoughts were interrupted when the back door swung open, revealing a familiar hooded brown-haired guy who looked like he also came from a race like I did a few minutes earlier.


He made his way to the empty seats at the back, dropping his bag on the floor as he sat on one of the metal chairs. All of a sudden, he lifted his gaze, causing our eyes to meet. Reluctantly, I smiled and waved at him, hoping he still remembered me from the last time we met. To be honest, I didn't even know we had Economics together.

To my surprise, he smiled and waved back at me, causing my grin to grow wider for certain reasons.

"You know Cameron Fray?"

I turned to look at Grace who now wore a confused expression on her face. "We met in detention."

"And you're instantly best friends?"

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