Slaying the demon ch 6

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2nd person POV:

  Waking from her sleep Zaria sat up and stretched. The sun was just beginning to rise as she admired the beautiful pinks and oranges of the morning sky. Quietly packing her belongings in her bag she smiled and decided to let the others sleep a little longer. Standing up, she ventured into the surrounding forest. Lifting her nose to the air she searched for a source of water. Swishing her tail she recognized the slightly sweet smell of running water nearby. Heading in that direction  she finally found herself standing in front of a large river. Following it with her eyes, she noticed it seemed to run down between the peaks of two immensely large mountains. Perhaps that's where we are headed she wondered. Hearing a splash she turned her attention to the water. Eying the now visible fish, she quickly jumped across a few rocks. Perching herself in the middle of the steadily flowing water she kneeled down. Waiting for the precise moment to strike she waited patiently. Just a little further... Wait... Wait...! She flung her hand out and scooped up a large fish, neatly tossing it to the bank. A few more and we will have a nice breakfast! After catching a few more she jumped back to the bank, satisfied with her catch. Finding a flat rock, she extended a blade from her wrist and began filleting  the fish. As she looked around she found a few decent sized leaves and wrapped the clean fillets in them. This should make the others happy, she thought contentedly to herself. Making her way back to camp with the fish, everyone else had already woken up. "I got breakfast!" She said triumphantly. Everyone turned to look at her in surprise as she stoked the fire. "Where'd you get those?" Shippo asked. "I caught them in a river, that's not too far from here", she spoke as she began grilling the fish over the now lively fire. Smiling she looked up and noticed Inuyasha had sat down not to far from her. "You slept well I'm presuming?" She asked him. "I did" he replied nonchalantly. "Much better then I would have on an empty stomach, that's for sure" Catching her attention, Kagome tried listening into their conversation. Although it was completely obvious Zaria continued "Thats good! I'm glad" she said smiling even more. "Oh, here. I believe I should return this" Inuyasha mentioned as he handed Zaria her pouch of dried meat. Taking it she put it back in her bag. "I didn't eat it all, but thank you for bringing it to me last night" he spoke while scratching the back of his head.

Kagomes POV:

So,...she took Inuyasha food last night? Pondering to herself she thought. Am I jealous? Of course I am,.. But it only seems friendly so I have no reason to get mad. Listening intently I heard them continue on with their conversation.

Zarias POV:

"The fish is almost ready" I told Inuyasha. His ears seemed to perk up at the mention of food. Taking the fish off the fire to cool, I stood up in search of something to put them on. Finding a few more big leaves I divided the fish into even portions and began handing the fish out. "I hope it's okay" I said and watched as everyone began eating. "This is really good!" Shippo exclaimed. "Don't you think so Kagome?" Snapping out of her thoughts Kagome took a bite of her fish. "Oh, you're right, it really is good. What did you do to it? The fish I cook never tastes this good" she stated slightly impressed. "I didn't do anything major, just seasoned it with a few herbs I had in my bag. I could show you sometime if you like" I told her. "I would like that, thank you" Kagome replied. After finishing his food Miroku spoke up "We should get going soon if we want to make it to the next village before nightfall." Cleaning our mess up we packed all of our things and headed on our way.

Time skip(later on in the day):///

Walking behind Inuyasha, I heard a faint buzzing. What's that? Stopping I twitched my ears and listened. Noticing I had stopped everyone turned to look at me. "What is it Zaria?" Kagome asked. "I don't know..." I spoke unsure of what I was hearing. Turning in all directions the buzzing got louder. "Can you not hear it??" I asked pointing my question at Inuyasha. Seeing his ears twitch I knew he could hear it as well. Tensing up I felt a large demonic aura approaching our location. " Kagome take Shippo and hide!" Inuyasha shouted as a huge swarm of demons came into view above us. Extending the blades from my wrists I got into a fighting stance. There were hundreds of them. Now was the time to prove myself! Lunging forward I slaughtered countless numbers of them. Demon after demon, they just wouldn't stop coming. Stopping to catch my breathe I stood, now surrounded by the unmoving corpses of the enemy. Glancing to my right, Inuyasha had taken out an equal amount with the tessaiga. Miroku and Sango had taken up shielding Kagome and Shippo. "Where are they all coming from?!" I shouted to Inuyasha. As if to answer my question a huge mutilated serpent demon crashed through the trees. "Inuyasha! It has a jewel shard!!" I heard Kagome yell frantically. Standing my ground I looked up at the demon, calculating my next move. There was a slight sparkle on its forehead, right above its eyes. Is that what she's talking about? Rushing forward, the snake opened its mouth, and released another hoard of demons. "Where Kagome?!?" Inuyasha yelled. Could he not see it? Taking the situation into my own hands, I brought myself face to face with the serpent. "Zaria!!! What the hell are you doing?! Get the hell out of the way!" Inuyasha yelled trying to fight his way over to me. Retracting the blades on my wrists I ignored him, and reached down to unsheathe my dagger from its hiding place. Instantly it began to glow, awaiting my command. Launching myself forward I jumped atop of a nearby wasp demon, using it as a lift. Once I was high enough I jumped down and quickly drew my dagger in front of me with both hands. "UNRELENTING FIRE!" I shouted as my blade transformed. Fire now surrounding it I landed on the serpents head, and slashed my dagger right into its skull. Not a second passed before it erupted into flames. Hissing in pain it disintegrated behind me as I landed on the ground. That was easy enough, I thought smirking to myself. Walking forward I picked a small glittering object out of the ashes. Turning back around I sheathed my dagger as everyone rushed towards me. "That was AMAZING!!!" Shippo squealed jumping on my shoulder. "How did you do that!?" Sango exclaimed. Opening my hand I revealed the jewel shard and handed it to Kagome. Looking at me stunned Kagome asked "How did you know where it was before I could tell you?!" "I could see it?" I replied slightly confused. Kagomes jaw nearly dropped. "But... I thought I was the only one who could see them" "Apparently there are others with the ability" Miroku stated. "Which is why we have even more reason to collect them faster" Inuyasha growled at her. "With you around Zaria, finding the remaining shards shouldn't prove to be too difficult" He told me, clearly impressed by my fighting skills. "How far is the village from here?" I asked Miroku. "Not too much farther" he replied as we continued on our way. Soon enough, a small village came into view. A few monks stood there waiting for us. "Ah Miroku! We've been expecting you! Right this way" the bigger monk spoke and began leading us through the village. Approaching a temple he motioned us inside. "You may stay here for the night" he said as we entered a medium sized room. There were futons already laid out along the floor and a large bowl of fruit sat on table in the middle of the room. Miroku thanked the man and he soon left us to get comfortable. "What is this place?" I asked curiously. " I stayed here a few times, during the early stages of becoming a monk" Miroku explained. This place was strange to me. Kagome and Sango had already collapsed on a futon. "I'm going to go outside, okay? I don't really like it in here" I admitted uncomfortably. "Okay, just be careful" Kagome said tiredly. Walking out of the temple I noticed a few trees nearby. "Much better" I said to myself as I inhaled the fresh air. Jumping up the tree, I sat myself down on a branch. Sighing I relaxed and closed my eyes, enjoying the wind blowing against my face. A few months ago I wouldn't of ever imagined I'd be here. I'm glad I met Kagome and her friends, I thought as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

   Chapter 6 done!! :) I'm sorry if it's not the greatest but I hope you all enjoy it anyways ^^

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