The Mystery perosn solved ch 9

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Zaria's POV:

"Who am I?" I questioned back. "I think the question is, who are you??", I said twitching my ears defensively. Looking at him suspiciously I could clearly see the jewel shards imbedded in each of his legs. He was staring at me intently clearly looking me over before he spoke "My name is Koga, leader of the eastern yōkai-wolf tribe, and you are?" He asked. "I'm Zaria" I answered and slowly circled him. He didn't seem to mind as I looked at him. He had a brown tail which unlike mine was shaggy and shorter. He smirked, " I don't believe that is what I meant." Looking at me now with more curiosity he sniffed. "I can smell you, what are you? You smell similar to a wolf, but not quite." He narrowed his eyes and looked me over closely.

Koga's POV:

This woman, who was she? She didn't seem like a threat, but I have to be sure. "Again I ask, who are you? What is your purpose here?" I stare into her eyes, what a peculiar shade. Lavender, that's not something you see very often. She had a tail, like mine, yet fluffier, white furry ears, and her scent. I can't describe it. It's unlike anything I had smelled before. However there were other scents, that I was just now picking up on. She's been around that mutt, and Kagome.. is she a friend of theirs? Waiting for her reply I showed my fangs(sign of dominance) "well?" She hesitated for a moment before answering.

Zarias POV:

"I'm looking for something", I replied watching him show his fangs, and tucked my tail on instinct. What is wrong with me?! I don't just submit to anyone? He must be an alpha,.. "You, you're and alpha wolf demon, aren't you?" I asked slowly. Toothily grinning He reached a hand down to stroke my tail. "Indeed I am" he replied and I jerked my tail away. He frowned and kept on with the questions. "So what are you looking for that has you in my mountains? Something Inuyasha and Kagome sent you to find?" My ears perked up from the mention of my new friends names. "I take that as a yes" he continued. "You know them?" I asked slightly dropping my guard. "They are friends, if that's what you are asking" he crossed his arms and flicked his tail. I wasn't sure if I should trust him, so I looked at him with uncertainty. Picking up on my doubt, he reached into his fur and brought out a shiny ticking object. Holding his hand out to me I could see a shiny gold object, he opened it and inside were numbers. A constant ticking could be heard. "Kagome gave it to me last time we met. Said it was a watch? It tells time. I can't ever figure it out though." He closed it and put it back. He must know her then, that looked like something of hers. It for sure wasn't something of this time. "Okay, I believe you" I told him. He smiled and genuine smile and moved to sit on a rock, offering the spot beside him to me. I sat down and curled my tail around me. Still curious about the man, I became painfully aware of the jewel shards in his legs. He must've noticed me staring. "You're staring, you know?" I shook my head and tried to concentrate. "Sorry, I have just found my self in a dilemma of sorts." I sighed. "How so?" He questioned. I chewed my lip, deciding I could trust him. And answered him "You have two jewel shards in your legs, and I was sent to retrieve them, however I'm not sure Kagome anticipated they would be in a friend" Koga looked shocked. "Wait, you can see them too?" He asked in somewhat disbelief. "Yes" I answered sheepishly avoiding another gaze at his lower half. "Well yes, it is indeed a problem. I need these to help me protect my pack." He stood up quickly. He eyed me nervously. I didn't intend to take them, not right now at least. " Hey you don't have to worry, I think we need to talk this out with Kagome to figure it out. I'm not sure what can be done though." Standing up myself I noticed him visibly calm. Koga nodded in agreement. "Where are they exactly?" He questioned. "Not too far I think, they went a different way to hunt another shard." I explained. Noise could be heard in the distance and I crinkled my nose. "I don't think we will have to wait long, I can hear their arguing a mile away" my ears twitched in annoyance. He laughed a little and gave me a side grin. I could feel his alpha pressure waving over me, and forced my tail to stay up. He noticed I was fighting it and smirked even more. "Impressive to say the least, not many can with stand it, makes me extremely curious on "what" you are" he tried to pry (for anyone wondering it's a canine thing) Before I could answer the group of 5 came trudging into view. And I could see an instant look of distaste come across Inuyasha's face. He must not like him very much. Koga started walking toward them and Inuyasha instantly growled " Zaria why the hell are you with Koga?" I could see Kagome squinting and tilting her head at Koga. Looking a little crestfallen she interrupted Inuyasha's rant. "Koga has jewel shards"

Note from author: I'm not entirely sure this is the direction I was going, but it is now lol. Also I'm not sure how good my writing will be, since it's been so long. But I hope it's alright! Next chapter coming soon I promise.

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