Chapter 5

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It was lunch and I was freaking out because Brendan had asked us to sit with him at the 'important people' table. We went to the bathroom to fix our hair and make-up before walking into the cafeteria. I was extremely and I mean extremely freaked out because every popular person sits at that table including Morissa, Anna, Christy, Brendan, Ashton, Chandler, Brian, Elias, Robert, Chris, Oliver, Ashley, Sasha, and Morgan. That is every popular person in the school. I was also nervous because Morissa, Anna, and Christy (Morissa and her minions)have been bothering me since 3rd grade. Spilling paint on me, breaking my crayons, and pouring water on my pants to make it look like I had an accident. As i got older it turned into dirty look, mean rumors, and lying to teachers about how I cheated off her. Mya thinks I should tell Brendan but I'm not a fucking snitch like her.

"Just tell him. He'll fix. If you don't, I will cause she is really starting to piss me the fuck off." She said slamming her hand down on the counter top.

"No, I'll handle her my way." I said as I cracked my fingers. We'll just have Elias pull her over to the side later and talk.

As we walked into the cafeteria everything went silent. Since everyone saw Brendan and I together people knew something bad was gonna go down. Morissa and Brendan had had an on and off fling and now that I was with him.....

We got to their table and sat down. No one talked except for the boys. Morissa tried to rub up on Brendan but he didn't even care. Mya made a group chat with Elias, her, and I.

E: Hey so this is really awkward

M: O well we r here 2 show Morrissa tht Vic is Brendan's new boo and she will b here more often

V: Whtevr she says goes in this case

E: K if you say so😐😐

V: 😊😍😊😍😘😘

M: 😋😍😌😌😊😊

Mya and I decided to go to the bathroom and make up a plan on how to get out of this awkward situation. As soon as we got up, so did Morissa and her minions and they followed us towards the bathroom. Right before we got to the bathroom she threw me against the wall.

"Listen, little girl, I know you're only a sophomore more but there are some things you need to know if you wanna survive this school. The girls have strict rules. Number one: don't date other people's boyfriends. We don't like home-wreckers. Number two: don't date anyone's ex-boyfriends without asking first. Number three: don't cross me ever because you don't wanna see what happens. "Get it" she pushes me a little "Got it" she pushes me some more "good" she bucked her head at me as if I was gonna flinch. As soon as she tried to leave I grabbed her arm. No bitch talks to me like that.

"Now it is your turn to listen. I understand that you think you have a shot with him, but there are no more bullets so just stop aiming and leave him alone! He is mine now. He asked me out scratch that he begged me to go out with him so don't try and get in the way cause sure enough if you do I'll knock you right the fuck down." I smile and walked into the bathroom.

"Yes, girl get it!" Mya said while jumping on my back as if I just kicked the field goal that got us the touchdown to win the game.

"I just feel she wasn't allowed to talk to me like that so I stood up for myself." We heard the three knocks and we knew it was time to go. We ran out of the school with Elias and hopped into his car. Once we got to his house we ran upstairs toward his room and jumped on the bed. He comes in a few minutes after because he was shutting the cameras off. His parents don't really trust him. By the time he got upstairs, Mya and I were already changing into the bathing suits we always leave in his closet.

"Hey, so what do you want to- oh shit Mya put a shirt on you are fucking naked!" I don't think he had a problem with it because I think he has a huge crush on Mya, but he won't admit it.

" Ya Mya! Rob wouldn't like it if he knew you were cheating on him. He would probably try to beat the shit out of Elias." Elias looks at me weird "Keyword: try" I said with a smirk.

"Ya what the fuck is going on with you too anyway? He was bragging about it in Biology and he asked me if I knew any of your sweet spots. I told we are just friends and he was like 'your just friends with both of those fine ass girls and you haven't tapped that'" I laughed cause he definitely has thought about it, at least for Mya he has.

" He asked for my sweet spots? What does he think is going to happen? What if something happens? I heard he is really... uh ... skilled with his tongue." She blushes and Elias walks out of the room.

"You didn't even answer his question. they are going on a date" I yelled so he could hear me "and nothing is going to happen between you two. I'll make sure of that."

"I agree with Vic, nothing should happen. You're going with them? How?" He walks back in the room completely changed

"Ya, it's a double date so I'm going with Chris. Why do you agree with me so strongly? Hmmm." There is no way he can get out of this question.

"Even though he is one of my closest friends, he is a shitty dude. I know how he treats girls and I just don't want that to happen to Mya cause he hurts girls so much." He looks away "How does Brendan feel about your little rendezvous with Chris?"

"He is fine with it. Stop changing the subject."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

" No, I'm not. I answered your question so I asked you one. Why are you interrogating me anyway?" I look at him because he knows why "Well if it is what I think it is you can stop cause I already told you the answer, but if you forgot, it's no." I look at him again. I know he is lying.

Mya interjects " What are you guys talking about?"

"Let's go we have to be back by sixth period and I believe you have something important to tell Rob today."

"Oh! You're right!" She screams and runs down to the jacuzzi. I slap Elias for lying to me and he mimics me down the stairs. When we got into the jacuzzi, it was so warm. We talked about school stuff and our lives in general.

"The position she keeps putting me in is unfair. I mean I understand rebound sex, but now she is just being reckless. There have been 14 men at my house in the past week. She hasn't even thought about me, about how I'm doing. I mean my dad just moved to Australia with his new wife and kid, leaving me behind and my mom is parading fucking men through the house like its a strip club. AND I can't even sleep because I can hear all the... activities occurring at night." I rant about my immature mother.

"That literally sucks ass. You should just put her in her place and tell her how you feel like." Elias said so hopefully. He is so innocent, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect life or so you would think.

"I did, but she was drunk off her ass, oh ya she is a day drinker now, and when I told her she said ' well if you don't like it here go live somewhere else" I hear my phone go off and reach for it " so I did. Now I live with Mya cause why not. Brendan said fifth is about to end we need to get back" I say as I read his texts. We get out, dry off, and put our clothes back on. Mya rapped her hair up so it wouldn't get her clothes wet. The tips of my hair were soaked so I blow dried them. We got I the car and left. And as the soft lyrics of Berhana filled the car, I couldn't help but think how hectic the rest of this week was gonna be. The scenery was gorgeous. Just trees and greenery. I love days like this, nights like this, friendships like this. Just simple.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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