The Break-Up

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A/N: So... I think I have the whole plot worked out.... Let's see if it works!
Chapter 4

"Someone's hungry" Draco muttered and took a bite out of his Tiramisu. His favorite cake and his only favorite. The rest tasted like... sugar yet this one... this one tasted of coffee and chocolate and sweet, the perfect combination for a member of the Malfoy family.

"Course' I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since the potion incident... no wait! I haven't eaten anything since 2 days ago!" Harry exclaimed and finished his second piece of chicken.

"Sitting here, watching you eat as if you haven't seen food in your life is disturbing"

"Then don't watch" Harry huffed out and ate his bread which was the last thing on his plate. Sometimes, he wished Draco wasn't such a snob and just forget his 'oh so mighty pure blood family habits'. It annoyed him, and that meant that they weren't making any progress to getting to know each other, which was what Harry wanted.

"Yea whatever you say..." Draco said and rolled his eyes, finishing his coffee-like cake. "So... about that... Friendly get together or whatever you called it"

"What about it?"

"What about if I show you a place that I really like?" He said and nibbled on his bread. His eyes began to avert downwards until they reached his plate which was on his lap.

"It's not the forbidden forest right? Because if it is, then I'm not going. I don't want to find another Voldemort sucking out the blood of a unicorn"

"Wait that was Voldemort from our first year?"

Harry brought his hand to his face to reenact the "oh so mighty" face palm.
What kind of idiot am I talking to?

"I'm guessing that was a yes.... Right?"

Oh yea, a Malfoy.


"Hermione... can we go see Harry yet..? Pleeeease?" Ron whined.

"No, it's only been a day that he has been in the infirmary after that nasty prank that Draco pulled on him. He needs rest... If you want, I'll let you punch Draco today... just once! We do not want to get suspended on our very last year"

She tilted her chin up in annoyance as Pansy and Blaise walked right around the corner. Blaise looked over at the pair and ignored them as he kept chatting with Pansy. Though, Pansy had other plans.

"Don't you think someone should keep Harry away from Draco? They hate each other and if they ever get in a heated argument, one is bound to get expelled" Pansy huffed out rather loudly.

"Pansy, lower your voice" Blaise warned and flashed an apologetic look towards Ron and Hermione. He hoped that they got the message and that they knew he held absolutely nothing towards them after the war.
Ron and Hermione got his message completely yet Pansy was not making matters easier.

"Why should I lower my voice? His friends should take better care of him. Rumor has it that Harry is in the infirmary and in really bad conditions. Serves him right for being such a stuck up celebrity"

"Harry is not stuck up! Draco is the one that needs to pipe down and accept defeat after all these years of hate!" Ron growled and stood in Pansy's way, Hermione right beside him.

"Draco has already won. Have you not seen the condition Harry is in? Ha! I bet he hates you two for not even visiting him at least once. Goes to show that you two only care about the fame and actually don't like him"

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