The Dean's Son

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The Next Day

Sooyoung walked into the cafeteria of the dorm. When she walked in, she noticed a bunch of separate tables, enough for the whole dorm. And even then, they could probably bring all their friends.

She lightly scoffed. "Dad was never cheap with things." She said to herself.

She extended her arms out while letting out a big yawn, closing her eyes during the stretching.

A light scoff was what made Sooyoung open her eyes, upon doing so, she ended up looking one of the Big Three.

"Sleepy?" He asked in a gentle voice.

Sooyoung nodded and sheepishly smiled while scratching the back of her neck.

"Well, you can go to the kitchen and help yourself to the breakfast I made."He offered kindly. " could help wake you up..." He added jokingly.

"Really?!" Sooyoung asked enthusiastically, which made the black haired guy nod his head while smirking slightly.

"Go ahead."

Sooyoung went into the kitchen and found a bunch of bacon, eggs, sausages, and rice on separate plates.

"Whoa...he cooked a lot..." She mumbled as she started to gathered food on her plate.

When she went back to the cafeteria, he was already eating at a random table, while looking at his phone. She decided to sit across from the black haired guy, who looked up at her.

"Eat up." He said with a gentle smile. Sooyoung just shyly returned his smile, and nodded. "Thanks." She was about to dig in but...

"He probably didn't mean to cook for you..." A lazy voice said. Sooyoung turned towards the door and saw the blonde guy she hung out with the night before. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean Yuro isn't good at measuring, so he probably meant to only cook for himself, but ended up with too much rice so he made more bacon and eggs." The blonde added.

Sooyoung turned to look at Yuro.

Yuro frowned at the blonde, "You didn't have to say that, Jess."

Sooyoung lightly chuckled. "It's okay, I don't long as I get to eat in the end, it's all good." She grinned and started to eat.

Yuro looked at Sooyoung amusingly, and slightly smiled. Jess rolled his eyes and mumbled as he plopped on a space next to Yuro. "I still don't understand why you don't think Gong Minyoung is pretty..."

Sooyoung heard Jess and started to choke and cough. Yuro was about to help Sooyoung, but she just politely waved him off. "I'm fine, thanks Yuro..." She looked at Jess with disbelief. "I can't believe you're still on're the type of person to hold a grudge, aren't you?" She asked him.

"Yup~ Jessie can hold a grudge for a long time~" A red head came bouncing enthusiastically into the cafeteria.

Stefan looked at Sooyoung, then her plate. "Whoa~ can you eat that much?"

"Yeah, are you a bottomless pit or something?" Jess added.

"You look like a girl but your appetite is as heavy as a sumo wrestler's..." Yuro joined in as he, once again, smiled amusingly at Sooyoung.

Sooyoung shrugged and kept eating. "I've always had a fast metabolism." She realized what Yuro said and sighed, "And please don't say I look like a girl again." She said tired of repeating the same thing, over and over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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