Chapter Eight

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Instead of socialising like a normal human being, my weekend was dreadfully spent catching up on missed assignments and homework. I hardly had time to leave my room, and only stopped for a break when my eyes burned in protest from constant staring at my computer screen.

I had never longed for Monday as much as I had during those treacherous two days.

The smell of freshly made pancakes taunted me as I crept suspiciously down the stairs. The savoury aroma tempted my stomach, causing it to gargle in anticipation. I rounded the corner and into the dining room and was greeted with a sight that sent shock waves of joy throughout my body.

A smile immediately blossomed onto my face as my eyes zeroed in on a fine arrangement of home-made delicacies that were both aesthetically and aromatically pleasing. A poached egg, breakfast sausage and home-made hash-browns were gloriously sandwiched between two fluffy pancakes and doused in maple syrup. The breakfast platter was accompanied by a steaming mug of what smelled like my favourite brew of hazelnut coffee.

The whole situation seemed fishy.

Walking towards the food, I cocked an eyebrow at my father, who sat at the head of the table. He sported a pink and yellow polka-dotted apron that I had decorated when I was eight years old over his work attire. I sat cautiously as I observed the sheepish grin on my father's face, making the situation even more suspicious.

"Morning honey," he began, as he fidgeted with the fraying strands of the apron.

"Good morning," I replied sceptically.

"I thought you should have a proper breakfast for a change, don't you think?"

"Uh huh," I replied warily, "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Why don't you eat your breakfast before it gets cold?"

Dad was acting very sketchy, but I could not deny the rumbling of my stomach. I slowly savoured the food, ensuring to keep a steady eye on my father as he pretended to read the morning newspaper.

The coffee was still too hot for my liking, so I pushed my now empty plate aside and narrowed my eyes towards my father, urging him for an explanation of his weird behaviour.

"You seemed so busy over the weekend, I didn't want to disturb you," he started, "I already talked to your mom about it but I didn't get the chance to talk to you."

"Dad, what's going on?"

"I got offered a spot on the morning segment of Wake Up Today." His words tumbled out of his mouth so quickly that it took me a moment to decipher them. 'Wake Up Today' was one of the few local morning talk-shows that were broadcasted over the radio, so naturally, I was ecstatic.

"Oh my gosh daddy that's so great!" I gushed, throwing my arms around his neck. "Why were you so nervous? This is amazing!"

"Well it's the morning segment, which means that I won't be home when you wake up anymore."

"I hardly even see you before I leave for school," I countered. "What difference will it make?"

"So you're fine with this?"

"Of course I'm fine with this dad! I know you've always wanted to branch out with your career, and this is the perfect opportunity."

"Phew," he jokingly wiped his forehead. "I wouldn't have bothered with the food if I knew you'd take it so well," he said with a chuckle.

"Ha ha you're hilarious," I drawled sarcastically.

"Anyways, I have to get to school." I doubled checked my assignments and draped my bag over my shoulder, "Thanks so much for the breakfast dad," I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his forehead, "Even though there was way too much syrup," I teased.

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