Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Please read!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while . . . trying to come up with a better introduction for The Enchanted Hollow (my original story), but not lose important character development. If you have any suggestions on how best to start a fantasy novel please leave it in the comments. The Enchanted Hollow is one of those going into another world stories, but the MCs are originally from that world and forced to go back due to dire circumstances (A little sister being taken).

All rights go to Rick and J.K

The Goblet of Nosebleeds

This girl was pulling his leg. He couldn't have a twin sister. Dad or mom would have told him right? To live an entire existence with a missing part of him . . . surely he would have felt something. But he didn't.

'I' 'eh grand' the white Pegasus he was leading to Hagrid's hut nickered fondly. If he thought understanding Arion with a mouth like a sailor was hard, it was nothing compared to how hard it was to understand French horses.

And no. Cassette was not grand. She had insulted him right off the back, and acted as if she had known him her entire life. He ignored the Pegasus and trudged on. The only sister he had was safe in America, and couldn't even crawl yet. 

Cassette seemed to read his mind. "I am not lying you know" She said, not looking up from the Pegasus' mane she was brushing.

"Sorry if I don't believe you sis" he said sarcastically, tying the Pegasus to a large tree. "It's just . . ." He couldn't think of any reason why two siblings would be separated like that.

Ok Thalia and Jason were separated due to the Greek and Roman differences. But that was different. They were both from the same Greek God, and same lovable mom. No one would dare take one of Sally's kids away. Even Nico had his sis till the end.

"It was father's doing" Cassette said angrily, a fiery look in her green eyes. "He thought due to our heritage" she paused; looking up at him to make sure he was listening. "We would be safer separated. You in the Americas with the gods and I far away, where I can practice my magic with little interference of monsters"

As much as he didn't like it, her story fit. This sounded exactly like something Poseidon would do. Out of all the gods he seemed to be the most fatherly and caring. He wouldn't have wanted Zeus to know about the twins. But then why hadn't she been part of the Great Prophecy? It was all too confusing.

"Say I do believe you" Percy said, rubbing his dirty hands on his robes, leaving splotch marks. "How did you know about me?"

"It was simple really," Cassette said, breaking into a smile. "Despite father's wishes . . ." she paused for dramatic affect. "We moved to Texas to be closer to mum's boyfriend" she said bitterly.

"That does not explain 'me,'" Percy indicated to all of himself.

"It wasn't long before we got notifications about you in the newspaper . . . Suspicious weather . . . New York asleep . . . 16 year old reported missing"

Every word was like a slap in the face, only resurfacing more bad memories. The guilt stabbed through his heart as he remembered how he left Beckendorf to die – while he sunk deep bellow the ocean to safety – without him. He watched achingly as Selena breathed her last breath in Clarisse's armor. He could have saved Michael Yew, if only he hadn't been so reckless and stabbed Riptide into the bridge Michael would still be with them. It was his entire fault, all their deaths for nothing.

"It didn't take long for me to piece it together" Cassette finished, oblivious to his pain. "And I would have found you sooner if it weren't for Poseidon" She spit the name out as if it were venom.

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