🧡Will edit later.🧡

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Live laugh love putting your current emotions into Soviet. HAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Escapism, pookies.

Edit: there was actually less mistakes than I thought, considering the mental state I was in. Still can't be arsed editing it though.


My phone's glow dims from it's spot beside me, warning me it'll go dark. My hands have been molded into this same position for the past good few moments as I stare at the bedsheets infront of me.

Well, I think it's bedsheets, I can't see anything in the dark, other than the previously harsh lights and shadows caused by the phone screen.
Now the lights soft enough that I can't see anything too clearly.

And anything I can't see too clearly I become uncertain of.

My head is... foggy, my eyes wide. I don't even know what I'm overthinking.. am I overthinking at all?

My throat feels heavy, followed by my breathing. I hope my breathing isn't too loud. Those same spots near the top to the left of my forehead, and the nook where my eye and my nose hurt. They throb.

The throbbing spreads everytime I focus on it; moving to different parts of my face.

My chest hurts. It stabs more than it throbs, but it still acts like a throb. You know? God help me.
I think of my back and I find a pain there too. It hurts.

Everything hurts.

I haven't moved in a minutes. Maybe. My eyes are too unfocussed to look at the time difference.
My phone's warnings have been acted upon, and the room is cast into darkness.

For some reason that makes my brain fog more.

I've tried to sleep, truly I have. But this hurts. And the memories of the day come back. They're not even bad memories.

But have I been too confident today...?
My hand hurts.
I feel like I've been too confident today. I wouldn't done what I did otherwise. What I did being the right thing. But then there's the backlash.

My chest and ribs stab at me the more I think about it.
What time is it?

I try to flick my eyes to my black phone screen, but they're frozen. Nothing can move. My hands still in it's previous position.

My eyes sting in the way it does before a need to cry. I don't really want to. That's pathetic, and it just hurts more for me after.

My neck hurts and my throat tight.

I'm not sure I can hear anything, and when I think too hard about it, my ears begin to hurt also.

My chest is hurting like a fresh cut hurts. That's not something to do with my heart right?

No no, the stabbing is on the right of my chest. My heart is on the left. I'm fine. It's just anxiety?? I guess.

Ugh. I need to move. I need to sleep. I want to cry. And I want to just curl up into a ball and disappear from this world.
Maybe then everything will stop hurting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2024 ⏰

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