Chapter 1

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School completely sucks especially when you only have one mute friend also constantly the football team and cheerleaders' target. But I still get up and get dressed for hell on earth. But as soon as I open my door, a fist is connected to my face and I'm greeted by the floor. A sick twisted laugh echoes through the house. I remember that laugh because I've been hearing it since I arrive at the house of my bastard uncle. If only my parents didn't die that night then my bastard uncle won't have adopted me. I know things would have been different. I tried to quietly collect myself off the floor. Sadly it wasn't over, my uncle lifts his foot and places above my head then quickly smashes it down. My face collides with the floor as a sick twisting crack echo through the house. Another laugh escaped his disguising lips as he watched me suffer.

"You weak little slut," he yelled in a sharp tone

I just waited there fighting back the tears. I knew I couldn't fight because he had already taken everything from me. The first day here was the worst day of my life, I was beaten to a pulp and rape. Here I don't have a place or opinion in this house. I was tangled in my dark memories that I didn't realize that my uncle was no longer in the hall. Trying to gather the little bits of strength to pick me off the ground and walk to the bathroom. I never liked mirrors due to the fact that they show the outside of a person instead of the inside, which is more beautiful. I don't have the best outside especially right now; the punch gave me a green and purplish bruise on my jaw line. But since my amazing uncle didn't stop there, now I have a nose that's red, blue and purple. I started to clean my face and started to comb back my midnight black hair to a ponytail. Giving myself a final look in the mirror and my eye are gray instead of the cheerful bright blue they once were.

Quickly stepping out of the bathroom and quietly walking out the bathroom making sure to not make any noise. My hand grips the handle of the door tightly as I pull it back. Once the cold breeze hit my face the fear and tiredness disappeared. The walk to school was quiet and peaceful. I arrive at school 20 minutes before the bell rings. Standing outside like normal was my best friend Jake more like the only friend. I quietly walked up to Jake and greet him but he doesn't answer like usual. Jake wasn't born mute, he become mute during freshman year. I remember when he told me the dreadful story before he when mute.

The night was cold and from the beginning had a rocky start. Both of Jake's parents were fighting at the table as Jake was eating. Finally after years of fighting with his wife, Jake's father snaps. He sat back down and began to eat his dinner quietly. He left the dinner table after everyone went to sleep. Quietly walked to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife. Tiptoeing up the stair, he walked into the room where his wife was peaceful sleeping. He jumps on the bed and began to throw random swing of the knife at his wife. The sinister screams of bloody murder filled the house. Finally ending his wife torture, he placed the knife of the knife on her forehead with full force brings it down and drags it all the way down to her stomach. The room smells of pure blood. But he wasn't done with his masterpiece, starting with the foot he began to cut into pieces and continue this to the rest of the body. The only sounds in the room were the sound of bones being cut and the light humming of the husband. Once done with his wife, he exited the room and began to walk to Jake's room. He enters quietly and slowly got on the bed. Once on top of Jake he places the knife to his throat but Jake was ready for his father attack. Before his father could slit his throat he points the gun that was under the covers at his father and fire. The bullet went through his heart and killed him instantly. The body of his once caring father fell over the bed and landed motionless on the floor.

The police came and collected what was left of Jake's mother. Jake was left with his deaf grandma. After that day, Jake become an outcast like me.

Every time I talk to Jake, he doesn't seem so miserable, but looks can be deceiving. Our awkward silence ended went the school bell rang telling us school starts in 5mins. We decide to walk to class in that moment Jake notices my face and the bad bruise. His green eyes fill with gloominess. I reach and comb out his brown hair with my fingers. After walking halfway through the hallway, Jake stops and grabs my hand to remove it from his hair. This cause us to stop walking and just stand there facing each other. Jake leans in and kisses my cheek. Jake pulls away from my cheek and gives me a shy smile. That causes a weird feeling in my gut that felt amazing. Maybe it was his way of saying everything is going to be okay. To some people this gesture meant nothing but to me it's a sign of hope. We continue to walk in silence to our classes. I arrive to class 2 minutes early which was a shock. I prepare myself for class by taking out my notebook that had Scarlett written in the front. The name that my parents gave me, which was the only thing I had to remember them.

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