Chapter 2

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If I arrive late to the house I will be beaten for an hour and for each scream, another minute is added to my beating. I try not to be late but it's hard not to since I only have five minutes to be here.

" Well, what are you waiting for you know the drill," said my uncle

I walk up to him and stop in front of him. I close my eyes as I prepare myself for the pain that he will cause me. My cheek was soon met with a sharp slap that knocks me to my knees. A kick is sent to my stomach that completely knocks me to the ground. That was nothing compare to what he can really do. Another kick is brought to my face, which cause my already broken nose to bleed.

"Come on get up" he splats in my face

I try to get up but my body was in so much pain that I couldn't.

"I said to get up you little slut", said as he picked me up by my hair

" Maybe you need to learn your place again," he said

"No, please I promise to be good," I said begging him

"You're lucky that I don't want to do that today," he whispers seductively in my ear

He throws me to the ground like a rag doll and starts kicking my stomach with full force. I felt something warm rise in my throat as my stomach gets another kick. I try to get up but as soon as I get on four legs, I began to throw up. In my blurs vision I can see that I threw up pure blood.

"Look at the mess you made," he said angrily at me

I wait for him to finish this beating session. Something hits my head with a strong force that knocks me off all fours. White flashes of pain are so strong that it begins to cloud my vision. My head is spinning and I just want to scream in pain but it would only make the beating session longer. My body can't take any more of this pain. Black dots cloud my vision and eyelid become heavy. The darkness takes me in with open arms.

I wake up on the cold ground that's cover in dry blood. I try to pick myself but a sharp pain runs through my body that causes me to collapse on the floor. With one finally try I push myself off the ground. My legs feel like jelly when I walk and they can barely support me at the moment. But finally after walking like a turtle, I made it to the bathroom. A broken beaten up girl was staring at me. That girl once had bright blue eyes and millions of dream but now she's covered in bruises, cuts and burns marks and her only dream is for all of this to end. After staring at my reflection, I decide to take a shower. Remove my shirt I notice huge bruise that was forming on my stomach and my nose was still swelling. After removing all my clothes, I start the water and jump in the shower. The shower wasn't that enjoyable since everywhere the water hit would cause me pain. I wash out the shampoo out of my hair and the water turns a rusty color for the blood that was dried. I turn off the water and wrapped a white towel around myself.

I walk to my bedroom and get change in my baggie t-shirt and sweatpants. The house was quiet and that meant that my uncle wasn't home. He was probably at his strip club or getting drunk like he always does. My uncle makes money by owning a strip club and almost everyday a new girl is in his bed. It's digesting but I have to keep my mouth shut and deal with it.

A knock is at my window and I already know who it is. I walk to my window and open it to let Jake in. Jake visits me at night to comfort me after my beating session or just to see how I'm doing.

"We're going to caught one day and uncle is going to kill you "I whispered

Jake staring at me as if in deep thought and reaches into his pocket to pull out a small black box and a small gray notebook with a small pencil. He opens the notebook and began to write in it then hands it to me.

"Your uncle can beat me all he wants as long as he doesn't hurt you" I read from the notebook and handed it back to him.

He starts to write again and passes it back to me.

"I have something for you it been in my family for 30 years and my mother was wearing that night before she died. My grandma thought I should give it to the girl that means the world to me and that girl is you" I read

When I took my eyes away for the notebook and looked back at Jake, he was on a knee with the small black box in his hand. He opened the box in the box was a silver necklace with a ruby in the shape of a heart.

"Jake it's beautiful," I exclaimed

"Just like you" he mouthed to me

He got up from his knee and walk over to me. We stood close to each other and he brushed my cheek with his hands, I flinched in fear that he would slap me. He leans in and presses his lip to mine and felt like every bad thing that happened to me disappear and nothing matter it was just us at that moment. He pulls away and pushed my hair from my neck and places the necklace on my neck. The necklace has an emotion meaning to Jake and that means it has an emotion meaning to me.

My body still was in pain from the beating but it didn't hurt as much. Jake walks over to my bed and lies down. I walked to the other side and curled myself under the cover but Jake wraps his arms around my waist and makes sure he doesn't hurt me. I listened to Jake's heartbeat and soon sleep started to take over.

I woke up the next day to my alarm clock and the bed was empty but the window was open. I still wearing the necklace from last night and that reminded me that last night wasn't a dream it was all real.

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