Chapter I.5: The Dream That Never Was

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Sora and the mysterious figure are in their fighting position, then the figure starts walking torwards sora while dragging the keyblade on the ground and Sora is looking at the man and Sora had blinked once and the figure was in ftont of Sora's face about to slash Sora through his chest when Sora blocked in the knick of time

*Sora POV*
"How did he appear in my face? I almost got struck down."

Sora then decided to strike the man but then he summoned another keyblade "Two keyblades!?"
Sora was suprised about this situation as it reminded him of his fight with Roxas.

The figure then starts attacking swinging up and did a twirling slash and Sora tried his best to keep up but Sora was getting tired and was gasping for some air.

The figure makes the two keys combine into one.

The figure raises his key in the air just when the figure moved Sora stabs the man in the chest.

The man drops to his knees and then when Sora pulled the hoodie off. A girls face is shown to Sora.

Sora wonders who this blaxk haired and blue eyed girl was.
The only thing he knew about the girl is that she looked like Kairi and Namine.

"W-who are you?" Sora asked the girl

"I am someone that is just an altered memory" said the girl.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked.

Hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed Chapter I. Hope to update the story later this week or so.

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