Chappy 15

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"Goodmorning, sunshine," Zayn cooed as Niall stood up with fat tears rolling down his cheeks. It was four fifty three in the morning, and Zayn was the only one awakened by the boy's whimpers. He had always been the lightest sleeper of them all.

"Dada," Niall replied, reaching out to him. Zayn picked the baby up, and cradled him. Niall laid his head on Zayn's bare shoulder. Neither of the lads had shirts on, and Niall loved the heat that radiated off of Zee's body.

"Why are you up at this hour, babe?" Zayn asked, rocking the blonde back and forth as he rubbed his back.

"Ni hungry," Was all the tired boy could say.

Zayn had been expecting that answer, the baby had fallen asleep before dinner and wouldn't wake up to eat. He'd just let out a pathetic whimper and roll onto his other side.

"Let's take care of that, shall we?" Zayn inquired, not really waiting for Niall to answer before he descended down the stairway. Niall squeezed his eyes shut, not liking how dark it was.

Zayn flipped up the light switch to the kitchen, and Niall opened his eyes again. Niall's hands went up to Zayn's hair, playing with it fondly.

"What would you like, kitten?" He asked, not even bothering to put the snuggly boy in his highchair.

"Sammich," Niall mumbled,"Please."

"Sure thing, love," Zayn answered, already getting out the ingredients. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches were the way to go, the peanut butter will give him protein and help him stay awake throughout the day.

All of the lads have mastered the art of making a 'sammich' with one hand, and carrying a human being in the other. Zayn hummed to Niall as he worked, and Niall would occasionally hum some notes back.

"Milk?" Niall asked, and Zayn sauntered over to the fridge and got a premade bottle out. He popped it in the microwave for a matter of seconds and shook it up.

Niall held it with two hands as he drank greedily, being really thirsty. Zayn picked up his sandwich and headed outside to the porch. There was a slight chill but luckily he and Niall wore fuzzy pajamas.

Zayn took a seat on the stoop, and Niall in his lap. It was dark outside, being five thirty two. Zayn had decided to let Niall see the sunrise.

Niall ate his sandwich in peace, and when he was done he cuddled further into Zayn's chest.

"Why we outside?" He asked, pulling on a loose thread on Zayn's pajama shirt.

"In a few minutes, you can get to see the sun come up," Zayn explained, pointing in the direction the sun would be shining.

"Sun gon' wake up?" Niall asked, making little hand gestures to emphasize his enthusiasm. Zayn chuckled, and hummed in response.

So there they sat in the darkness, and then Niall could see the pinkish orange that started to leav onto the sky. He was mesmerized.

He watched in a trance as the sun peeked over the tree line, and he excitedly yelled,"Goodmorning Mr.Sun!"

Zayn cooed at his boy, reminding himself to do this more often.

They sat there until the sky was a pretty light blue, and the sun looked like a yellow grape. (OITNB Reference)

Liam opened the door, and saw his two favorite boys sitting together. He smiled, and pulled out his phone to snap a picture.

oh & I drew that pic 😌

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