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Nash POV
A very eager boy ran up to me and was smiling. He had dirty blonde hair and bright brown eyes.He was wearing tan pants,white shirt,a gray jacket,a darker gray snap back,and white vans with black shoelaces."Hey im Matthew,but call me Matt.This is our friends Carter and Aron".(I think thats how you spell his name=_-")They all seem pretty cool.This day will be fun.
Cameron POV
After I dropped off Nash and fantasized about him,I went to work then came home.I took a shower and I left to go sit on the beach.I left a note on the counter for Nash to come to the beach and hang out.It was like 6:00 pm and I waited for Nash.
Nash POV
We got ice cream and it started to get late.I said I had to leave because it was late.I got a ride from Carter and I thanked him.I got in the penthouse and saw a note from Can it said 'Dear Nash, come to the Beach and hang out with me.Wear swimming trunks. It will be fun baby boy ;) -Daddy.'I ran up the stairs,took a shower,put swimming trunks on and grabbed my Vans and ran outside as fast a possible.What?He put a winky face and called himself daddy.That's hot!!!As I was running as fast as possible and I bumped into...Cam.I fell in his strong arms and looked dead in his eyes.I was literally 1 INCH from his face!!!I could feel myself getting hard.I could feel his breathe hitting my face.I was breathing very hard.I was holding my moan in as I was getting very hard."Hey baby,you couldn't wait to see daddy could you?"He said smirking.I couldn't take it.I let out a lust filled moan."Ahh shit."I moaned.I hope he doesn't want to beat me up."Ahh fuck.You drive me fucking wild,Nash."Cam moaned deeply.He took my hand and led me to his room.He closed the door and pushed me on the bed.He took his shirt off and was about to devour me,but stopped.I got off the bed and started to kiss him he stopped use and looked into my eyes filled with."Nash...I.....I c-can't.I want to with all my heart,but I'm 21 and your 17.If anyone finds out,I will go to jail and you'll be sent back to the orphanage. I don't want that and you don't either."He said with sad eyes and a cracked voice."I understand.But we can still make out and stuff,right?"I would like to do stuff."What type of stuff? Like blowjobs and fingering.If that's what you mean't,no because that's considered rape even if you ask me to do it or I ask you to do it and you agree.We can makeout if you want?"I was sad we couldn't have woppy,but we can still makeout.I nodded and started to devour his mouth and he devoured my mouth as well.His hands went to my hair,and tugged on it.We did this for hours until we got hungry.We went to a regularly pizza place and got a large pepperoni pizza with a chocolate milkshake.We talked about our day and what went on and random things.He would tell joke that will make me cry from so much laughter.We walked back to the penthouse and took our showers then watched 5 episodes of Beyond Scared Straight then went to sleep.My day was amazing.
My day was amazing....almost.

Leaving you off with
Some drama mama!!!
I'm sorry for not updating
As often.I will,post,tomorrow.
Until then,Happy lama,sad lama,mentality
Distributed lama,super lama,drama lama,
Big fat mama lama!!!!!!!lol
Bye lama's!!!!!!!!✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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