This is my OC, Kim. I made her sometime around the first half of 6th grade. So she is almost 6 years old now! (I feel so old)
There's a tl;dr at the end of this cause I wrote way too much.
She is a Fox and is more or less a tomboy and more or less a girly girl. Her fur is orange-yellow, and her hair tuff is brown. Her eyes are a brownish hazely color. She wears a dark gray sweater, a turquoise tie, tan cargo pants, and black converse (shoe color changes depending on what I have, I currently have black).
Her actual age is 17, and birthday is February 14th and her height is 5 foot 3 inches (basically the same as me lel).
She's often pretty casual, quiet and keeps to herself, unless she's with friends or feels open and wants to make new friends. Kim usually likes to meet new people and make new friends. When she's in public and has to talk to strangers (like when ordering food), sometimes she will clam up and start to stutter or not even be able to talk at all.
Kim is a bit goofy/random but not too goofy/random. She is often casual, but has her moments of random outbursts of random things.
She is also really polite and respects new people or adults. She's still polite and respects friends, but she isn't as formal and she jokes more. Like, calls adults Mr. or Mrs. [last name] unless told otherwise, she knocks on doors instead of walking in, always asks for permission to do something, etc.
She can be mature when she needs to be or just when feels like it. Depending on the topic and situation, she is able to step up and stand up for herself or others. Sometimes she does it in hope to start a chain reaction.
Usually, she only says something when she is irritated. When she's irritated, she gets formal, and becomes a bit of a troll so she can get the other person to shut their face holes and or go away. She tries to prove her point using facts and logical stuff, if her facts & logic don't work, she might agree with the other person, it depends what it is.
She can be immature also. The immaturity ranges from the childish "nanananana" "I know you are but what am I" and all that. To the early teen "lololol that's what she said" and basically laughing at things that sound dirty.
She tries to stay happy a lot of the time and is often optimistic on just about everything. She usually always tries to look at the good things unless there is no hope.
When things get sad or serious, she often tries to lighten the mood by cracking a joke. It usually fails, but she tries. Whenever her friends are sad, she does her best to cheer them up. She tries to talk them up by talking about the things they're good at. Or she tries to do something funny to get them to laugh. Sometimes it fails, but her friends at least know she tried.
She has a lot of interests. Kim likes almost everything, and thats usually due to her optimism. Whenever people say things are bad, like movie special effects, or when people make home made videos, she always looks at the cool things about it. Like the detail people put into a movie's animated characters. Or the effort put into home made videos, things like that.
But interests though. She likes anime, manga, drawing, animating, potatoes, internet comics, the internet, video games, computer stuff, potatoes, video editing, watching funny videos, writing stories or comics, potatoes, and much much more (those were just the main things).
One main thing that plays a Big role in her interests and life, is Poncho. She is in love with Poncho, and he loves her back also. Poncho helped her with so much, and he made her feel special and loved.
But it wasn't always happy.. But that'll wait for some possible backstory stuff sometime in the future.
Kim also has to deal with some sucky problems. Since she is quiet and polite. People OFTEN cut in front of her in lines for something. Or she gets cut off when trying to talk to someone. Sometimes when she tries to get someone's attention, and they don't notice her, sometimes she will feel ignored and it will beat her up inside or she beats up herself about it. She also beats up herself about a lot of other things, and also usually ends up over thinking things when she's sad.
When she's sad she will tell everyone she is okay. If it's really bothering her, she only feels comfortable talking to Poncho about her problems, but sometimes she is too scared to talk to him as she fears that he might judge her or talk her down, when really he won't.
When she's sad she likes hugs, but she is only comfortable getting hugs from girls only, with the exception of Poncho.
And idk what else to put so I'ma stop here.. And I've put too much so I need to stop anyways. xD
TL;DR: Kim is a 17 year old Fox, her birthday is Valentines day, and she is 5 foot 3 inches.
She's casual and quiet, unless with friends. She likes to meet new people. When she needs to talk to strangers, most of the time she will clam up and start to stutter or not even speak at all.
She's goofy/random, but not too much. Kim's polite and usually respects everyone. she can be mature when she needs to be and she can be immature also.
She's optimistic, so she focuses on the positive. When things get too sad or serious, he might crack a joke, even though she knows it will probably fail, she does it knowing there's a chance she can lighten the mood. When friend's are sad she tries to talk them up by talking about the things they're good at, sometimes that doesn't work either, but her friends know she at least tried.
She likes a lot of things like the internet, video games, and potatoes. Poncho plays a big role in her interests.
She has to deal with a lot of problems due to her polite and quietness. A handful of the times this happens, she beats herself up about it. When she's sad, and people ask, she just says she's okay. If it's really bothering her, she will go to Poncho.