Raven walk to her room.She was too much emotion when she get near to their leader , Robin.She walk to her desk and hold the mirror and saw four red eyes.She fell down in a huge rock.She looked around and saw nothing.Weird when I got here I always see happy but where is She?.Raven walk around in the nevermore."Happy! Timid! Brave! Intelligence!" She called her emotions , But no one answers.They must be somewhere.Raven still walk for a minute."GUYS!!!!!!!" Raven yelled But still no answers.Raven groaned.
Sorry for a short fanific but I'll make Emotions part 2

Robin and Raven One shot
De TodoMy/Our favorite super heroes of the world Rachel Roth Grayson and Richard John Grayson known as Raven and Robin I don't own Teen Titans Raven and Robin.